Responsible Business

Our role in the global community

White & Case works for positive change

Responsible Business describes our role—as a Firm and as individuals—as active participants in the global community. We seek to achieve the greatest possible impact by providing free legal services, educating future leaders of the legal profession and investing in our communities through volunteering and charitable giving—all while operating our own business sustainably, responsibly and ethically.


2022 Pro Bono Firm of the Year

For the second consecutive year, Who's Who Legal has named White & Case 2022 "Pro Bono Firm of the Year" based on the Firm's "outstanding work" in 2021 at its Who's Who Legal Awards 2022.

UN Global Compact signatory since 2016

White & Case was one of the first law firms to sign the UN Global Compact, committing to adopt sustainable and responsible policies. Learn more in our 2024 Communication on Progress report.

Providers of legal education worldwide

Reaching more than 5,000 students, lawyers and judges worldwide, our legal education programs teach practical skills and cultivate interest in the rule of law.

Elevate: Investing in the next generation

Our global Elevate campaign provides a unifying theme for our volunteering and charitable giving to educate, empower and develop employability skills for young people.

White & Case pro bono

Our pro bono work builds a healthier and more just future for everyone. Watch our video to learn more.

Global Citizenship Review

Our pro bono and volunteering work play important roles in our Responsible Business function. In 2023, lawyers in all our offices and in every practice devoted more than 105,000 hours to pro bono matters.

Learn more about our work in our 2023 Global Citizenship Review

Read our previous Global Citizenship Reviews


An aerial view of a city park at sunset in China. Paths wind gently through a verdant landscape, joining at the top left to form a circle enclosing an open, grassy space. Water is visible to the left, and a main road cuts through the upper right.

Highlights of our Responsible Business work

Learn more about our pro bono, legal education, volunteering and sustainability efforts as well as our responsible operations.

A silhouetted view of five children playing outside a hot air balloon decorated in squares of red, yellow, orange, blue and black
Elevate: investing in the next generation
Our new Responsible Business campaign concentrates the Firm's volunteering and charitable giving efforts on investing in youth through education, empowerment and employability
ESG and Sustainability
Environmental Sustainability Report
Read our 2024 Environmental Sustainability Report
A nighttime view of the Wiener Staatsoper (Vienna State Opera) in Vienna, Austria. The Neo-Renaissance building is warmly lit, inside and out. Light from traffic appears as red and white streaks in the left foreground.
Training the next generation of international lawyers
The Firm expanded its Vis Moot training to students in Central Asia and Eastern Europe
A female volunteer, right, and Ukrainian refugee woman, left, sit on steps in a train station, both looking at a document the volunteer is holding and explaining
Pro bono in wartime
Firm provides humanitarian and legal aid to Ukraine
Image from a camera half-submerged in the tropical waters of Lissenung Island, Papua New Guinea. Under water, dense and varied green coral is visible. Above water, an island and a person paddling a traditional outrigger canoe are silhouetted against a vibrant orange sunset.
Swapping debt for nature
The Firm's latest debt-for-nature swap was among the first to tap into a newly reauthorized US law
A view of the portico of the New York County Supreme Court, in lower Manhattan in New York City. Above its columns, the portico is engraved with the motto, "The true administration of justice is the firmest pillar of good government." Sun shines on the top left corner.
A model partnership
Amazon and White & Case raise the bar on pro bono collaborations with four projects in 2023 


Elizabeth Black
Director, Responsible Business
Washington, DC

Louis O'Neill
Counsel and Director of Pro Bono
New York

Patrick Rickerfor
Associate Director, Global Pro Bono Practice
New York

Sophie Orr
Associate Director, Pro Bono and Responsible Business


Madaline George
Manager, Responsible Business
Washington, DC

Karla Vergara
Pro Bono Manager
New York




