Contact Us

For GDPR and other data privacy issues:

If you have any comments, questions or concerns about data privacy, including the processing of personal data carried out by us, or on our behalf, please view our Privacy Policy or contact us via this form, choosing "data privacy" from the subject drop down menu.

For services or practice area inquiries:

Please send inquiries directly to the Contact person listed on each Service page. To look up an individual office, view our locations.

To find or contact a lawyer:

Please go to People Search to find lawyers by name, location or expertise. Or use site search.

For careers or recruitment inquiries:

Please go to Careers for lawyer recruitment, student/graduate recruitment and all other job/internship inquiries. To look up an individual office, view our career locations.

For technical issues and general inquiries:

Please use the form on this page for technical issues on the website and general inquiries. By submitting your email address, you acknowledge that you have read the Privacy Policy Statement and that you consent to our processing data in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

Attorney impersonation attempts:

Please be cautious if you are approached by a White & Case lawyer through any means other than an email from our official domain: Cybercriminals have been known to impersonate professionals through faked domain names and other platforms, such as WhatsApp and SMS, etc.  If you are uncertain about the legitimacy of a communication claiming to be from or related to our firm, please verify it by contacting us.