22 results
US Data Privacy Guide
Construction site
Constructing the low-carbon economy
As the world responds to a global shift toward a low-carbon economy, there's unprecedented focus on the legal intricacies of major construction projects
data centers
Data centers: Can the demands for increased capacity and energy be met sustainably?
As the demand for data storage grows, so does the need for more data centers with ever-increasing capacity. We examine new ways for developers to reduce energy consumption.
bridge construction
Energy and infrastructure project risks around escalation
In recent years, escalation and price volatility have re-emerged in the global economy. The impact on large energy and infrastructure projects will be significant: Owners and contractors need to react and adapt. 
biophilic tower
Building toward net-zero
As the urgency to combat climate change escalates, the construction and engineering sectors are stepping up to the challenge.
power lines
Refurbishing and retrofitting brownfield projects for a low carbon future
There is significant interest in investing into the rejuvenation of brownfield projects, but these projects face construction law challenges.
solar panels
Risk allocation and mitigation in energy projects
As the landscape for new energy projects evolves, parties are reassessing their appetite for risk and proactively seeking solutions to ensure success.
Real estate 2024: Emerging from the storm
Real estate 2024: Emerging from the storm?
The real estate sector is looking ahead with more optimism, as interest rates peak and a clearer picture forms on valuation and future financial performance
Turning the tide: Global IPOs are ready to rebound in 2024
Turning the tide: Global IPOs look for a rebound in 2024
The outlook for global IPO activity in 2024 is improving as interest rates stabilize and stock market valuations rally after a challenging 2023
Legal perspectives on developing and deploying ‘responsible AI’
Processing personal data using AI Systems Part 1
Foreign direct investment reviews 2024: A global perspective
Foreign direct investment reviews 2024: A global perspective
Understanding the ever-evolving global FDI landscape is crucial amid growing regulatory complexities in cross-border transactions
art deco wall
Navigating Antitrust Risks in the Luxury, Fashion and Lifestyle Industry
The Rise of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and the Next Generation of International Rules Governing Cross-Border Data Flows and Digital Trade
An update to this article was published in two parts by The Global Trade Law Journal, Vol. 1, No.
The hottest commodity in the mining & metals sector
Technology – The hottest commodity in the mining & metals sector
The mining & metals sector, long perceived by the broader markets as an old-fashioned heavy industry, is embracing technological innovation and new forms of partnership as it seeks to harness productivity growth and the energy transition.
tech image
UK's Context-Based AI Regulation Framework: The Government's Response
Delivering digital infrastructure in the AI age
Delivering digital infrastructure in the AI age
The digital infrastructure sector's growth has been fueled by the hyperscalers in recent years. The rapid evolution of artificial intelligence and the metaverse is set to drive this "zeitgeist" sector to new heights.
Net-zero goals boost investment in tech sector
M&A Explorer | As the global energy transition gathers pace, innovation in clean energy solutions is producing a steady flow of deal opportunities
Global merger control trends
“The Laws on the Books Continue to Apply” - Federal Trade Commission Convenes Technology Summit Exploring AI Policy
Pile iron metal wire rod
Mining & metals 2024: Geopolitics in the driver’s seat
2023 was a boom year for interest in the mining & metals sector from an ever-expanding array of manufacturers, consumers, and governments. 2024 promises more of the same.
Why nature’s future underpins the future of business
One year on from The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework: Legal perspectives