Recent Insights

How changing attitudes toward data sharing could accelerate smart city adoption
The pandemic seems to have prompted people to rethink their attitudes toward sharing personal data, particularly when it is used to manage public health and provide essential services. Can this shift serve as a catalyst for smart city adoption?

The green edge of steel: Cutting through carbon
Steel is essential to every aspect of modern life, yet its future finds itself centre stage in the climate change debate. Can advances in green steel technologies, fuelled by innovative investments from miners and steel producers, become an age-defining development in the energy transition?

Global merger control: Navigating stormy seas
There have been a number of developments in merger control in 2020 and Q1 2021. Some are related to the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, while others are borne out of the ambitions and changes sought by individual competition authorities or unexpected jurisprudence

Industrials, chemicals and materials issuers take advantage of borrower-friendly backdrop
High yield bond and leveraged loan issuance by European industrials, chemicals and materials companies sustained steady activity levels in Q1 2021 as they took advantage of a borrower-friendly market to raise financing