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Financial institutions M&A: Sector trends - July 2020
We highlight the key European M&A trends in the first half of 2020, and provide our insights into the outlook for M&A moving forward.
Global M&A value collapses to record lows in Q2 2020
As the COVID-19 pandemic spread, global M&A value dropped to the lowest half-yearly total since H1 2010
Global PE buyout activity stays relatively robust in H1
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, total buyout volume in the first half of 2020 dropped 23% annually, while value fell 30%—less than half the rate of decline of overall M&A
France hopes for recovery after COVID deal dip
French M&A activity has suffered steep falls because of COVID-19, but green shoots are emerging as lockdown measures ease
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Technology M&A remains resilient in the face of COVID-19 crisis
Technology dealmaking has continued apace in 2020 as M&A investors take advantage of the sector's resilience to transact
Healthcare M&A prospers, despite fall in deal activity
The megadeals of 2019 may be off the table for now, but deal activity across healthcare and pharmaceuticals has proven resilient through the COVID-19 crisis
Oil & gas industry feels financing squeeze
Low prices and excess supply have pushed oil & gas balance sheets to the brink, which means raising traditional debt will remain difficult and restructurings are expected
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Technology sector shows resilience during lockdowns
Remote working, online shopping and telemedicine have shielded the technology sector from the worst effects of COVID-19 lockdowns
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Strong foundations, uncertain future: How COVID-19 will affect the M&A market in Latin America in 2020 and beyond
The year started strongly for many nations in Latin America, but coronavirus has heavily impacted the M&A market.
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Healthcare sector under pressure but the prognosis looks good
COVID-19 has pushed healthcare systems around the world to the limit, but depending on the vertical, certain companies have been less affected than those in other sectors—and the availability of credit to battle the pandemic has helped
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Leisure sector M&A awaits delayed reaction
COVID-19 is hammering leisure sector M&A—but not so much that opportunities have vanished
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Appetite for change in the consumer food and beverage sector
Even though COVID-19 has taken a toll on consumer spending and supply chains, the food and beverage industry has shown resilience and continues to tap credit markets
Coronavirus keeps aviation industry grounded
Few sectors have felt the impact of COVID-19 as deeply as aviation, and airlines are exploring all lines of finance to bolster balance sheets.
Aviation M&A braces for impact
COVID-19 travel restrictions have put the aviation industry on the backfoot. M&A will not be an immediate priority, but consolidation and distressed deals will come in time
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Relaxation not an option for leisure and hospitality sectors
The COVID-19 lockdown forced restaurants, hotels, gyms, theaters and casinos to shut their doors and put balance sheets under extreme strain, but some have tapped debt markets to see them through
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Cracks show in retail as debt burden begins to bite
Retailers faced a difficult financing market before COVID-19 appeared, but lockdowns have made the situation even tougher
Financial Institutions M&A: Sector trends - June 2019
Global retail M&A volume drops to lowest total since 2009
COVID-19 has put dealmaking in the already disrupted retail industry under further strain. Some retailers, however, have proven resilient and those that survive will see opportunity to vertically integrate supply chains and invest in technology capabilities
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Accelerating change: From smart city to smart society
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed some of the shortcomings of major cities in times of crisis. As the world searches for ways to make urban areas more resilient, smart city initiatives offer some of the answers.
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Oil & gas M&A stumbles in the face of COVID-19 crisis
Oil & gas dealmaking has plummeted following a period of prolonged low oil prices and a steep fall in demand due to COVID-19. However, large players with strong balance sheets could still see opportunities to invest
COVID-19 and your deal: Considerations for underwriters
Underwriters are grappling with the need to support clients that are accessing funding, while maintaining disclosure standards and managing their risk when the tools they’ve typically used may be unavailable
High yield bond issuances rebound during coronavirus lockdown
The impact of the coronavirus pandemic saw high yield bond issuances grind to a halt at the end of Q1, but markets started to revive in Q2
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Loan issuance seizes up as coronavirus fallout hits
Despite a promising beginning to the year, US and European leveraged loan markets felt the full economic impact of the pandemic
Most pending US M&A deals are proceeding as agreed, despite COVID-19
We highlight the responses companies are taking in light of the current environment and the arguments some buyers are making to terminate transactions