The White & Case Mergers and Acquisitions and Intellectual Property teams have contributed to the 2024 edition of the Lexology GTDT: Technology M&A guide.
Technology M&A 2024 is a quick reference guide enabling side-by-side comparison of local insights into key laws, regulations and government approvals primarily implicated in technology M&A transactions; due diligence, including the transfer of licensed intellectual property, software due diligence, and the use of code scans; representations, warranties and other deal terms common to technology M&A transactions; and recent trends.
- White & Case partners Arlene Arin Hahn and Neeta Sahadev served as overall editors and authored the Global Overview and the USA chapter.
- Partners Vivian Tsoi with associates Yan Yan, Charlie Zhu and Chunlei Pang authored the China chapter.
- Partner Jan Andruško, Local Partner Jan Jakoubek and Associate Iva Čechráková authored the Czech Republic chapter.
- Partners Clara Hainsdorf, Bertrand Liard, Guillaume Vitrich authored the France chapter.
- Partners Dr Tobias Heinrich, Jost Kotthoff and Local Partner Mathias Bogusch authored the Germany chapter.
- Partners Lindsey Canning, Tom Matthews, Philip Trillmich authored the UK chapter.
Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Lexology GTDT – Technology M&A 2024. For further information, please visit: Getting The Deal Through - Lexology.
This publication is provided for your convenience and does not constitute legal advice.