Join us

What we’re looking for

There is no typical White & Case clerk or graduate, in fact we actively seek out people with a range of attributes to further enhance our already globally diverse teams. In saying that, alongside academic excellence, there are certain attributes that we know are proven for success:



You have a global mindset

An interest in working globally, and cross-cultural awareness is essential for the work we advise on, the nature of our clients and the diversity within our teams.


You're driven to succeed

Like us, you’re not afraid of hard work and you’re dedicated to achieving great results. You have ambition to be a successful global lawyer.

team player

You’re a team player

We act as one Firm and one team, and look to recruit graduates with the same collegial outlook.


You take initiative

You ask meaningful questions and seek feedback on your work, with the intention of constant improvement.


You’re client-focused

Our graduates are exposed to clients from the very beginning. They’ll come to depend on your focus on detail and simplifying the complex.

weighing scale

You have integrity

We have a global reputation for first-class legal work, and you’ll work toward building and maintaining trust with our clients and your colleagues.

Oliver Summers
Our lawyers are looking to see an open and inquisitive mindset, diligent work product, and a can-do attitude!
Oliver Summers
Advisor, Early Careers Recruitment

Ready to apply?

When it’s time to apply, complete our online application form. Join us and make a mark.

Apply now


Contact us

To contact the Early Careers team, please email or call (03) 8486 8000.

Lauren Evans

Lauren Evans
Senior Manager, Recruitment and Early Careers - APAC

Ana Maria Etcheverry

Ana Maria Etcheverry
Manager, Early Careers Recruitment & Development - Australia


Oliver Summers

Oliver Summers
Advisor, Early Careers Recruitment – Australia

