Dr. Roland Arlt

Local Partner, Hamburg



Dr. Roland Arlt advises banks, funds, financial institutions, sponsors, borrowers and investors in loans, bonds and securitizations as well as in financial restructurings.

His main areas of practice are project finance (in particular in the renewable energy and infrastructure sector), green finance and sustainable finance, asset finance, real estate finance, acquisition finance, structured finance, securitization, loan agency and loan servicing, financial restructuring, mezzanine capital and bonds.

Furthermore, Roland Arlt is a lecturer at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management.

He joined White & Case in 2022. Previously he worked, among others, for a domestic commercial law firm, for a US international law firm and for a UK international law firm in Hamburg, Frankfurt am Main, London, Milan and Rome.

Bars and Courts
University College London
PhD (Dr. jur.)
University of Hamburg
German Qualified Lawyer Transfer Test (Eignungsprüfung für die Zulassung zur Rechtsanwaltschaft)
Esame di Avvocato, Corte di Appello di Perugia
Laurea in Giurisprudenza
Università degli Studi di Perugia


Selected experience*

Assisting the German Branch of an international credit institution in connection with a €15.15 million project financing of a portfolio of rooftop solar systems

Assisting a German Landesbank as Agent in connection with the amendment and restatement of three interconnected project financings of a solar farm, including the increase of the total commitments to €100.6 million

Assisting the lender under a €27 million mortgage backed Schuldschein Loan

Assisting the German Branch of an international credit institution in connection with the due diligence and syndication of a participation in a €1,5 billion offshore windfarm project finance

Assisting an international Loan Servicer in connection with the sale of a portfolio of commercial properties and property financings, including security releases, of €129,4 million (loan sale) and €16,8 million (asset sale)

Assisting the Primary Servicer as representative of the Agent and the Security Trustee in connection with the security release under a €89 million property finance

Assisting the German Branch of an international credit institution in connection with a risk sub participation in a €52,8 million optical fiber financing

Assisting the Arranger in connection with the €20 million public securitization of mezzanine capital via partly-paid bonds issued by a Luxembourg securitization undertaking

Assisting the Arranger in connection with a €100 million mortgage backed securitization

Assisting the issuer in connection with privately placed of green bonds of €100 million

*Before joining White & Case


Arlt, Roland: True Sale Securitisation with particular reference to German and Italian Law (True Sale Securitisation unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rechtslage in Deutschland und Italien), in: Habersack/Mülbert/Schneider (eds.), Studies on Saving, Giro and Credit Business (Untersuchungen über das Spar-, Giro- und Kreditwesen), volume 181, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2009

Co-author: Unlimited Amendment Options and Credit Decisions via Restructuring Plan? Short Commentary to the Judgement of the Local Court of Cologne ZInsO 2021, 868 (Unbegrenzte Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten bei Konsortialkreditverträgen und Kreditentscheidungen per Restrukturierungsplan? Kurzanmerkung zu AG Köln ZInsO 2021, 868). In: ZInsO, No. 24, 2021, pages 1485-1487 (with Tom Brägelmann and Jan Ludwig)

Arlt, Roland: Sustainability Linked Loans pursuant to the Sustainability Linked Loan Principles (Nachhaltigkeitsdarlehen nach den Sustainability Linked Loan Principles), BKR, No. 10, 2019, pages 477-484

Arlt, Roland: OFAC Clauses in Finance Documents in the light of the Anti Boycott Provision of Section 7 of the Foreign Trade Ordinance and the Blocking Statutes (OFAC-Klauseln in Finanzierungsverträgen vor dem Hintergrund des Boykottverbots gem. § 7 der Außenwirtschaftsverordnung und der Blocking Statutes), ZIP, No. 46, 2015, pages 2202-2211

Arlt, Roland: Legal Aspects of the Risk Retention in Securitisations pursuant to Sections 18a and 18b of the German Banking Act (Rechtsfragen des Risikoselbstbehalts bei Verbriefungen nach §§ 18a und 18b KWG), WM, No. 3, 2012, pages 107-115