Dimitrios Lyratzakis
Dimitrios is an associate in the Firm's Capital Markets and Financial Restructuring and Insolvency practices. He is currently based in London and was previously based in New York.
His practice focuses on a broad range of complex financial restructuring and capital markets transactions, and he has extensive experience in sovereign and sub-sovereign debt restructuring and liability management transactions, having advised on the restructuring of over $170 billion of debt.
Dimitrios is currently advising the largest bondholder groups in the debt restructurings of Sri Lanka and Lebanon, having recently advised the bondholder groups in the debt restructurings of Argentina, Ecuador, the Province of Buenos Aires, and several other Argentine provinces. Dimitrios is also advising the Republic of Suriname and Zambia, among others, in relation to the sovereigns' debt restructurings, while he most recently advised Ukraine in relation to its debt management transaction.
Among other publications, he is the co-author (with Ian Clark) of "Towards a More Robust Sovereign Debt Restructuring Architecture: Innovations from Ecuador and Argentina," published in the Capital Markets Law Journal (Oxford University Press).
Dimitrios holds a JD and LLM from Duke Law School, where he was a Salzburg Cutler Fellow and Articles Editor of the Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law, a Master's in International Economics and Finance from Johns Hopkins University (SAIS), and a BA in International Affairs and Philosophy from the George Washington University's Elliott School of International Affairs.
Represent the Republic of Suriname in the restructuring of $1.4 billion of external debt.
Represent the ad hoc bondholder group in the restructuring of Sri Lanka's US$12.5 billion of international sovereign bonds.
Represented the largest ad hoc bondholder group in the restructuring of the Argentine Province of Buenos Aires's external debt.
Represented the largest ad hoc bondholder groups in the restructuring of the external debt of the Argentine Provinces of Cordoba, Entre Rios, Jujuy, and Chaco.
Represent the largest ad hoc bondholder group in the restructuring of Lebanon's US$31 billion of external debt.
Represented the Ad Hoc Argentine Bondholder Group, the largest bondholder group comprising major institutional investors in the restructuring of Argentina's US$65 billion of external debt.
Represented the Ad Hoc Ecuador Bondholder Group, the largest bondholder group comprising major institutional investors in the restructuring of Ecuador's US$17.4 billion of external debt.
Represented Nordea Bank in connection with a US$360 million financing to Diamond S Shipping Inc. to finance the acquisition of 25 crude tanker and product tanker vessels owned by Capital Product Partners L.P. via a spin-off and re-listing on the NYSE.
"Towards a More Robust Sovereign Debt Restructuring Architecture: Innovations from Ecuador and Argentina," Capital Markets Law Journal, Vol. 16, No. 1, 33-44 (with Ian Clark)
"Sovereign Debt Restructurings in 2020: a year in review", International Insolvency and Restructuring Report 2021/2022 (with Thomas MacWright)
"Sovereign debt restructurings in Latin America: a new chapter", Pratt's Journal of Bankruptcy Law, Vol. 18, No.1, January 2022 (with others)
Restructuring Venezuela's Debt Using Pari Passu, 28 Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law 185-212 (2017)(with Khaled Fayyad)
The Determinants of RMB Internationalization: The Political Economy of a Currency's Rise, American Journal of Chinese Studies, Vol. 21, No. 2 (OCTOBER 2014), pp. 163-184