Global law firm White & Case LLP has advised leading international private equity firm Cobepa on its investment in Reaction Biology, an industry-leading provider of drug discovery services. Cobepa's investment continues its history of close partnerships with biopharmaceutical service providers, and will fuel Reaction Biology's continued growth and service line expansion.
Reaction Biology is a contract research organization that provides a full suite of drug discovery services to more than 1,800 biopharmaceutical customers worldwide. Reaction's capabilities include functional biochemical assays, compound screening, a wide range of mechanistic and biophysical studies, and an extensive array of cell-based assays.
The White & Case M&A team was led by partner Luke Laumann (New York), and included partners Thierry Bosly (Brussels), Morgan Hollins (Houston), Andres Liivak (New York) and Ingrid Wijnmalen (Frankfurt), and associate Ty Akkoyun (New York). The team also included partners Farhad Jalinous, Rebecca Farrington, Daniel Levin and F. Paul Pittman, counsel Ryan Brady, and associates Daniel Rosenthal, Naari Ha, Kyle Levenberg, Tyrone Crawford, Emily Ostertag and Timothy Sensenig (all in Washington, DC); partners Justin Wagstaff, David Dreier, Henrik Patel, Seth Kerschner, Tal Marnin and Steven Lutt, counsel Aaron Feuer, and associates Anthony Johnson, Grayson Weeks, Joe Babitz, Michael Kucharski and Jessy Van Kooten (all in New York); associate Chris Hebert (Houston); partners Dr. Bodo Bender and Jost Kotthoff, local partner Anna Dold, and associate Markus Stelzig (all in Frankfurt); partner Tilman Kuhn (Düsseldorf); partner Helen Joseph and associates Sonja Sehr and Shehnai Arora (all in London); partners Hendrik Roeger and Martin Munz, local partner Moritz Mueller-Buttmann and associates Dr. Nico Frehse and Sebastian Meinßen (all in Hamburg); partner Jérémie Jourdan (Paris); partner Thomas Glauden, local partner Christophe Goossens and associate Niccolò Piga (all in Brussels); counsels Andreas van den Eikel, Christoph Arhold and Kathrin Ahting (all in Berlin); and counsel Amy Kurland (Chicago).
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