M&A and Private Equity

bank vault door
Specialty finance/Marketplace lending
Financial institutions M&A sector trends: specialty finance/marketplace lending — H1 2019 and outlook for H2 2019
Financial Institutions M&A: Sector trends - June 2019
Financial Institutions M&A: Sector trends — June 2019
We highlight the key European M&A trends in the first half of 2019, and provide our insights into the outlook for M&A moving forward
M&A in Israel
Outlook for M&A in Israel: Execs expect the bull run to continue
Our third annual survey finds that a bullish outlook and the ascendance of domestic and Asian buyers could make 2019 a standout year.
Proposed amendments to South Africa's Companies Act
Proposed amendments to South Africa's Companies Act
Several of the contemplated changes may improve South Africa's business climate
Europe reaches for a new normal on NPLs
Europe reaches for a new normal on NPLs
Will recent regulatory developments have their desired impact on the NPL market across Europe?