Diversity Lab has announced that White & Case has fully satisfied its criteria for Mansfield Certification after completing the Mansfield Rule 2.0 12-month certification program. The program "measures whether law firms have affirmatively considered at least 30 percent women, lawyers of color, and LGBTQ+ lawyers for leadership and governance roles, equity partner promotions, formal client pitch opportunities, and senior lateral positions," according to Diversity Lab. White & Case was previously certified in 2018, the certification's inaugural year.
The goal of Mansfield Certification is "to boost the representation of diverse lawyers in law firm leadership by broadening the pool of candidates considered for these opportunities," according to Diversity Lab, an incubator for innovative ideas and solutions that boost diversity and inclusion in law.
In addition to its Mansfield Certification, White & Case achieved "Mansfield Certification Plus" status for meeting or exceeding the pipeline consideration requirements for certification and successfully reaching at least 30 percent diverse lawyer representation in a notable number of current leadership roles and committees.
"The 30 percent metric and the built-in accountability have had a positive effect on encouraging our leaders to expand the pool of talented lawyers they develop and select as the next generation of leaders," said White & Case Vice Chair David Koschik (New York). "Our Plus rating demonstrates that we are continuing to succeed at increasing diversity in key leadership roles."
White & Case will be participating in the 3.0 iteration of the Mansfield Rule, which runs from July 2019 to July 2020. Mansfield 3.0 will include lawyers with disabilities as well as women, lawyers of color, and LGBTQ+ lawyers as part of the diverse candidate pool.