Latin Lawyer Names White & Case Transactions "Deals of the Year," Most of any International Firm
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Latin Lawyer magazine named four transactions on which global law firm White & Case LLP advised among the "Deals of the Year" in its 14th annual Deal of the Year Awards, announced online on September 29. Latin Lawyer’s editorial team selected the winners from more than 400 nominations, all for transactions that closed in 2019.
"The winning deals all exhibited truly novel legal work at a level of complexity that broke new parameters in the jurisdictions they occurred in," Latin Lawyer reported. "Their impact and significance are evident well beyond the negotiating table."
The winning deals on which White & Case advised are:
- M&A (Public): Suzano and Fibria create world pulp leader
White & Case advised Brazilian industrial group Votorantim in Brazilian pulp manufacturer Suzano’s acquisition of Fibria for almost US$11 billion in Brazil’s largest M&A deal of 2019.
- Project finance (Energy): Energía del Pacifico power plant gets project financing in El Salvador
White & Case advised Invenergy and its project subsidiary Energia del Pacifico on the groundbreaking development and project financing of the 378 MW liquefied natural gas (LNG)-to-power infrastructure project at the Port of Acajutla in the Department of Sonsonate in El Salvador.
- Banking and finance: China Three Gorges gets hydroelectric dam refinancing
White & Case’s M&A and Project Finance teams worked together in representing the seller in its US$1.39 billion sale of the 456 megawatt Chaglla hydroelectric power plant in Peru. The firm also advised the target company in the prepayment of its existing US$680 million project finance debt.
- Restructuring: Constellation oil group completes US$1.5 billion global restructuring
White & Case advised Constellation Oil Services Holding S.A., a provider of offshore and onshore oil and gas contract drilling and production services in Brazil, in a complicated US$1.5 billion debt restructuring.