Dr. Nicolai Fischer
Dr. Nicolai Fischer advises on insolvency, reorganization and restructuring matters. In particular, he advises company managers outside and within insolvency proceedings. He also regularly advises investors in distressed M&A transactions.
In addition, the range of activities of Dr. Nicolai Fischer includes the representation of insolvency proceedings from a wide variety of economic sectors.
Please click here for the German bio.
Please click here for our German Restructuring and Insolvency website.
Co-author, "Current issues in the design of legal advice in self-administration (Aktuelle Fragestellungen bei der Gestaltung der anwaltlichen Beratung in der Eigenverwaltung)", NZI, Pages 15-23, 2019 (with Sylwia Bea)
Fischer, Nicolai: "The existence-destroying liability of the Management Board and its limitation by provision in the Articles of Association (Die existenzvernichtende Vorstandshaftung und ihre Begrenzung durch Satzungsbestimmung (de lege lata)"; Dissertation, 2018
Co-author, "Payment transactions on debit accounts after insolvency maturity in the light of the law of payment prohibitions (Zahlungsvorgänge auf debitorischen Konten nach Insolvenzreife im Licht des Rechts der Zahlungsverbote)", Festschrift für Dr. Klaus Wimmer, Pages 263-293 (with Alfred Hagebusch)
„Shareholder loans in partnerships and corporations as banking transactions requiring authorisation (Gesellschafterdarlehen in Personen- und Kapitalgesellschaften als erlaubnispflichtige Bankgeschäfte)", WM, Pages 1709-1719, 2014
Alfred Teves Foundation PhD Prize, 2018