Guillermo Manzanares

Associate, Madrid



Guillermo is an associate in the Banking Department of the Madrid office.

His practice includes assisting banks, financial institutions and large corporations in relation to, amongst other things, domestic and cross-border financing transactions of a broad nature.

Bars and Courts
Legal Practice and Corporate Law
Universidad de Navarra
Dual Bachelor Degree in Law and Economics
Universidad Pontificia de Comillas


Guillermo´s representative transactions include assistance to: 

Benteler on the € refinancing of Benteler Group’s debt through an emission of bonds and a syndicate loan and revolving financing. This deal has involved 18 jurisdictions. 

Representation of Swiss Life Asset Managers and AXA investment Managers on the financing for the acquisition of Lyntia Networks from Antin Infrastructure Partners. 

Representation of the arrangers in connection with the financing by ICG of the acquisition of Comdata and combination with Konecta, leaders in Customer Experience (CX) Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) solutions. The financing involved a €975 million credit facility, comprising a TLB facility, TLA facility and revolving credit facility.

Angelo Gordon Europe LLP and funds advised by PIMCO as lead lenders in a 760€ million syndicated refinancing of Promotora de Informaciones S.A. (BME: PRS). The financing involved a €575 million senior facilities agreement and a €185 million second lien facilities agreement, both implemented by way of cashless roll on behalf of the lenders under the original facility. Both facilities were used to finance or refinance the existing indebtedness of the Group.CA-CIB with an interbank minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL) facility to be extended to Novobanco.

Vauxhall Lending and LCM Partners in connection with Sale & Lease back and Operating lease agreements over numerous assets in Spain.

Banco Santander, S.A. (Santander) on the financing of the acquisition of Grupo Euskal Forging, S.L. and its subsidiaries by Siderforgerossi Group S.p.A. (Siderforgerossi).

Acting for Bank of China Limited Luxembourg Branch regarding the provision of refinancing debt relating to the acquisition of 16 European logistics centers/warehouses.