Elizabeth Oger-Gross
Elizabeth Oger-Gross is a partner of the Firm's International Arbitration Group and is based in the Paris office. Elizabeth advises clients in complex disputes, with broad experience across a number of sectors and a focus on the construction and energy industries. She has significant experience acting for and against States. Overall, she has an excellent track record, successfully building and implementing sound and innovative strategies that help her clients win.
She has conducted both ad hoc arbitrations and arbitrations under most of the major institutional rules. Her arbitration experience spans the globe, having been involved in arbitrations in Western and Eastern Europe, Sub-Saharan and North Africa, North, Central and South America, the Middle East, and Asia. She also has substantial experience in cross-border litigation. Before moving to the Paris office, she practiced litigation and arbitration in White & Case's New York office.
Elizabeth is both common-law and civil-law qualified and acts in both English and French-language arbitrations. She is a member of the LCA Arbitration Court and teaches international arbitration at Panthéon-Assas University (Paris II) and Sciences Po Paris, as well as for the GAR Academy. She also sits as arbitrator.
Elizabeth's significant experience includes:
Representation of an African state in connection with enforcement proceedings against its assets in France;
Representation of an African state in connection with negotiations with a cryptocurrency company;
Representation of a West African oil & gas company in connection with multi-jurisdictional litigation regarding various frauds perpetrated against the company by previous management, including actions to recover diverted funds;
Representation of a State agency in a politically sensitive international sports dispute brought by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), governed by Swiss law;
Representation of a sub-contractor in a dispute against the main EPC contractor in relation to a refinery project in France;
Representation of an African State in an ICSID arbitration related to certain oil licenses;
Representation of a leading European gas buyer in an arbitration over supply disruptions relating to the war in Ukraine;
Representation of a leading European buyer of gas concerning certain contract interpretation issues, both the pre-arbitration and arbitration phases of the dispute;
Representation of a Middle Eastern seller of gas in a price review arbitration under a long term gas supply contract;
Representation of an African owner of an LNG plant in a New York-seated arbitration against a major construction company;
Representation of a Saudi oil services company in an arbitration related to a contractual dispute over a joint venture;
Representation of a Saudi oil services company in a Singapore-seated arbitration regarding certain acts of fraud;
Advising a European technology company in the context of its dispute with an international organization;
Advising a European energy company with regard to a contractual dispute with a supplier in East Africa;
Representation of an African State in a multi-billion-dollar arbitration relating to a contract to build a hydropower plant;
Representation of an African State-owned entity in two arbitrations under the OHADA regime in relation to a port concession;
Representation of an African, Middle-Eastern-owned company, in a successful ICC arbitration, conducted in French, with an African State, in connection with public works contracts, as well as enforcement proceedings in numerous jurisdictions worldwide and annulment actions;
Representation of an African oil company in a dispute with its joint-venture partner in connection with an oil concession in West Africa;
Representation of the French subsidiary of a U.S. company in a dispute regarding the construction of a plant in France and including issues related to the extension of an arbitration clause to non-signatories;
Representation of the main contractor in a series of related ICC arbitrations against the employer relating to a major infrastructure project in Central America;
Advising a Middle Eastern consortium on a dispute with the employer in connection with a construction project to build hangars in Saudi Arabia;
Representation of a European mining services company in a dispute with a West African supplier;
Representation of a Middle Eastern developer in four related ICC arbitrations in Paris involving a dispute with a contractor concerning a major land remediation project in the Middle East, as well as ancillary court proceedings in the United States regarding the involvement of a parent company that did not sign the Contract;
Advising a mining company on potential ICSID arbitration in a dispute with an African State.
Advising several leading European buyers of gas on price revisions under various long term gas supply contracts;
Representation of two leading European construction companies in two ICC arbitrations regarding the construction of a hydroelectric project in Chile and including issues regarding the involvement of a non-signatory corporate parent;
Representation of Republic of Bulgaria in a successful ICC arbitration against a Swedish engineering company, with subsequent annulment proceedings dismissed by the Paris Court of Appeal;
Representation of a national energy company in Eastern Europe in an ICC arbitration concerning the construction of a nuclear power plant;
Representation of a European owner in relation to a high-profile, multi-billion-dollar ICC arbitration in respect of the design and construction of a nuclear power plant;
Representation of a Canadian company in a Swiss Rules commercial-trade related arbitration, including complex issues of contract interpretation as well as European product safety law;
Representation of a sovereign state in UNCITRAL (bilateral investment treaty) arbitration proceedings in respect of an investment treaty dispute arising from a BOT toll road project in Asia;
Representation of BNP Paribas in a civil RICO claim filed by Kensington International Ltd in the federal court in New York. Kensington sought US$100 million in damages plus treble damages under the RICO statute; and
Representation of a French bank in connection with a request for discovery from a US court.
"Food and Energy Security in Africa", conference in Lagos, 20 November 2024
"Women in infra" panel on "AI and Infrastructure Disputes" during Paris Infraweek, 7 November 2024
"Dispute resolution in complex litigation", panel during the 3rd ICC Dakar Arbitration and ADR Day, 11 September 2024
"What to remember from 2023 in matters of litigation, arbitration and criminal business law", White & Case Webinar, 26 February 2024
"Arbitrating in Africa and with African Parties", webinar ARBinBRIEF, 6 December 2023
"Battle of the African Seats", LACIAC, 23 November 2023
"Risks of US litigation for French entities", Cercle Montesquieu Grand Ouest, 16 November 2023
"Quantum and damages in arbitration", Netherlands Arbitration Institute Annual General Meeting, 14 September 2023
"A discussion of the English High Court Decision in Republic of Sierra Leone V. SL Mining Ltd – A Case in Time GAP Journal Series, Delos, 6 July 2023
"Le Contrôle des Sentences Arbitrales par la Chambre Internationale de la Cour d'Appel de Paris", Paris Place d'Arbitrage during Paris Arbitration Week, 30 March 2022
ICC Institute Assessment for Damages Training, 21 September 2021
"Technology and Innovation in Arbitration", 8th E.A International Arbitration Conference, 28 August 2020
Roundtable discussion and experience sharing, Paris Arbitration webinar during Paris Arbitration Week, 8 July 2020
"A special regime for climate change disputes?", Paris Arbitration Week, 7 July 2020
Panel discussion on the different countries responses in dealing with construction delays as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, the SCL Astra/ESCL Online Webinar, 2 July 2020
"Virtual Hearings: How Best to Proceed", Nigerian Bar Association, 3 June 2020
"Cross-Border Dispute Resolution", Gaia Women Club Lagos Digital Workshop, 19 May 2020
"Contractual Caps on Damages, Including Limitations on Consequential or Indirect Damages", Juris Conference – Eighth Annual Damages in International Arbitration: Traditional vs Non-Traditional Approaches, Emerging Trends, Methods and Techniques, November 2019, New York, NY
"Dispute Funding in International Arbitration", East Africa International Arbitration Conference, August 2019, Nairobi
"Provisional Measures in International Arbitration", RDAI/Queen Mary, Paris Arbitration Week, April 2019, Paris
"Games of Seats: Arbitral institutions in Africa and the quest for ascendancy", White & Case, Paris Arbitration Week, April 2019, Paris
"Beyond the Pale: Inclusive Representation of African Practitioners in International Arbitration", November 2018, Annual Conference CIArb Nigeria Branch, Abuja
"Lex extractiva and arbitral jurisprudence", Conference of the Société Internationale de Droit Extractif (SIDE), September 2018 Paris
"Treaties in international arbitration – Relevance in Eastern Africa", East Africa International Arbitration Conference, August 2018, Addis Ababa
"The Evolution of International Arbitration", 2018 International Arbitration survey launch, June 2018, Helsinki
"Supporting the arbitral process", 3rd ICC Africa Regional Arbitration Conference, June 2018, Lagos
"Arbitration in Natural Resources and Energy" and "Fair Play: unconscious influences in appointments and in the use of evidence in international arbitration", Mauritius Arbitration Week, May 2018, Port-Louis
"Hardship and Price Review Clauses", BBSPA Regulatory and Trading Seminar, April 2018, Bucharest
"Gas pricing arbitrations and res judicata", Harvard International Arbitration Law Students Association, January 2018, Cambridge
"Economics of Gas Development", Gas Options North & West Africa Conference, November 2017, Casablanca
"In-house Perspective on the Use of International Arbitration and ADR in Resolving Corporate Disputes", Lagos Court of Arbitration In-House Counsel Forum, November 2017, Lagos
"Business Outlook in Africa and Dispute Resolution", Casablanca Arbitration Days 2017, November 2017, Casablanca
"Gas price disputes: When is there arbitration, and how does it work in practice?", BBPSA Regulatory and Trading Seminar, October 2017, Sofia
"Addressing tough questions in international arbitration", 5th East Africa International Arbitration Conference (I-Arb Africa), September 2017, Kigali
"When Doing Good Goes Bad: Resolving Impact Investment Disputes", IILGW – Grunin Center conference Legal Issues in Social Entrepreneurship and Impact Investing in US and Beyond (New York University School of Law), May 2017, New York
"Reforming Arbitration Law and Practice in Africa—An Update", 2nd ICC Africa Regional Arbitration Conference, May 2017, Lagos
"BITs in West Africa: negotiations and alternatives", West Africa International Arbitration Conference (I-ARB), April 2017, Abidjan
"Recent trends in energy-related investment disputes", Energy Transitions Conference (University of East Finland), March 2017, Joensuu
"Force Majeure and Hardship in Petroleum Agreements", Global Energy Arbitration: Current Issues and Trends (Georgetown International Arbitration Society, Georgetown Arab Lawyers' Organization), Washington, DC"The Inter relationship between Effective Systems of Dispute Resolution & Economic Development", November 2016: Commercial Arbitration Law and Practice in Nigeria through the Case (Book presentation), February 2017, Lagos
"Arbitrability under Nigerian Law: New Areas of Concern", Lagos Court of Arbitration Young Arbitrators Network (LCA-YAN), November 2016, Lagos
"Abuse of Process in International Arbitration and the Unwillingness of Counsel to Accept the Outcome of Arbitration in Sub-Saharan Africa - Damaging the brand", ICC Africa Regional Arbitration Conference, June 2016, Lagos
"2015 International Arbitration Survey: Improvements and Innovations in International Arbitration", White & Case, May 2016, Paris
"Familiarizing administrators with International Arbitration", Institut Marocain des Administrateurs (IMA), April 2016, Casablanca
"The Importance of Efficiency and Economy in International Arbitration", Hot Topics in the Practice of International Arbitration (Harvard Law School), April 2015, Cambridge, MA
"Transparency and Third Party Funding in Investment Arbitration", Current Trends in International Arbitration – Penn State International Arbitration Day, April 2015, New York
Liquefied Natural Gas, The Law and Business of LNG 4th edition, chapter "Relief for unforeseeable changed circumstances in LNG", October 2024 (with Michael Polkinghorne)
"Damages and the Legal and Economic Merits of Getting the "Right Fit"", organized by NERA Economic Consulting during Paris Arbitration Week, 20 March 2024
"New Arbitration Regime Comes into Force in Nigeria" White & Case Client Alert, 21 June 2023 (with Tolu Obamuroh, Tania Singla) also published on Thomson Reuters Practical Law, 5 July 2023
"Contrôle de la Compétence", The Paris Journal of International Arbitration (Cahiers de l'Arbitage), July 2022 (with Elena Sevila Sanchez)
"Ethiopia Modernizes Arbitration Framework" White & Case Client Alert, 4 May 2021 (with Tolu Obamuroh)
"Conflit de lois applicable à l'exception d'estoppel soulevée par le non-signataire de la clause compromissoire : apports et interrogations de l'affaire Setty en droit américain", The Paris Journal of International Arbitration (Cahiers de l’Arbitage), July 2020 (with Nelson Dijoux Coquillas)
"Climate Change Disputes Take Center Stage at Paris Arbitration Week (PAW)", White & Case Client Alert, 27 July 2020 (with Kirsten Odynski, Nika Larkimo, Dianny Wahyudhi)
"Paris Court of Appeal refuses to set aside ICC award against non-party (Kabab-Ji v Kout Food Group)", Lexis®PSL, 16 July 2020 (with Niels Aujouannet-Kelner)
"Dallah Revisited: The French and English Courts in Conflict Again Regarding Arbitral Jurisdiction Over Non-Signatories", White & Case Client Alert, 9 July 2020 (with Paul Brumpton, Bryony Withers, Niels Aujouannet-Kelner)
"Hardship and Climate Change", Energy, Oil & Gas, Summer 2020 (with Kirsten Odynski and Marièle Coulet-Diaz)
"Hardship and climate change: How to draw-up climate-resilient contracts", Business Green, 4 May 2020 (with Kirsten Odynski and Marièle Coulet-Diaz)
"The role of ICC arbitration in resolving climate change disputes", White & Case Client Alert, January 2020 (with Kirsten Odynski, Michael Polkinghorne, Mark Clarke, Salma Selim)
"Rethinking hardship clauses in times of changing climate", Environmental Law & Management, January 2020 (with Kirsten Odynski and Marièle Coulet-Diaz)
"Energy Sector Investment Protection in West Africa", African Lax & Business, 7 June 2019 (Bylined by Robert Wheal, Elizabeth Oger-Gross and Bachir Carl Sayegh, with additional research by Opeyemi Longe)
"Projecting energy sector investors in West Africa: The Energy Protocol of the Economic Community of West African States seeks to attract power-sector investment", Africa Focus, Spring 2019 (with Robert Wheal and Bachir Sayegh)
Book review of "Commercial Arbitration Law and Practice in Nigeria through the Cases" by Adedoyin Rhodes-Vivour, Arbitration International, October 2017 (with Charles Nairac)
"Enforcement of awards in France—a dual system (Ryanair v Syndicate of Charente Airports)", Lexis PSL Arbitration, May 2017 (with Anaïs Harlé)
"Compensatory Damages Principles in Civil and Common Law Jurisdictions – Requirements, Underlying Principles and Limits", The Guide to Damages in International Arbitration, chapter 1, GAR, 2016 (co-author with Clare Connellan, Angélica André and Heather Clark)
"Mid-year review 2016 - arbitration developments in France", Lexis PSL, July 2016 (interview with Anaïs Harlé)
"Structural support, not a bridge: The role of amicus curiae opinions in investment arbitration", Liber Amicorum en l'Honneur de William Laurence Craig, 2016, pp. 289-308 (co-author with Michael Polkinghorne)
"Arbitration procedures and practice in France: overview", PLC, March 2016 (co-author with Anaïs Harlé)
"Litigation and enforcement in France: overview," PLC Global Guide to Dispute Resolution, January 2016 (with A. Harlé, A. Pitchouguina and E. Valette)
Dispute Resolution, January 2016 (co-author with Anaïs Harlé, Anastasia Pitchouguina and Elodie Valette)
"Gravitas: Persuasion and Legitimacy", TDM, July 2015
"The Long Arm of the Law," Commercial Dispute Resolution, 24 May 2013
"How resort to US courts – with US discovery – can backfire on a US party to an international arbitration," 29 July 2010, (co-author with Christopher Seppälä)
"A bar to privilege", Legal Week, 24 January 2008, (co-author with John Willems)
Recommended, Who's Who Legal: Arbitration, France 2024
Recommended, Who's Who Legal: Construction, France 2024
Ranked, Chambers Global & Europe 2021 – 2024, International Arbitration – France
Leading Individual, The Legal 500 2022 – present, Dispute Resolution: International Arbitration – France
Private Practice Powerlist – Arbitration France, The Legal 500 2023
Chambers Global & Europe 2024, International Arbitration – France: Elizabeth Oger-Gross is well regarded for her expertise in African cases [and] mostly acts in energy and construction disputes. Sources report: "Elizabeth is very smart and talented." "She is a very good lawyer with good advocacy skills."
The Legal 500, 2024: "Elizabeth Oger-Gross demonstrates great attention to detail and promptness in responses."
Chambers Global & Europe 2022, International Arbitration – France: "She is brilliant and pays detailed attention to her client's causes."
"Elizabeth Oger-Gross' New York law knowledge is exceptional, and her ability to address the audience in different ways to suit their legal knowledge is very persuasive."
"Elizabeth Oger-Gross is reported by market sources to be "a great technician" and a "strategist," with interviewees also highlighting her for being "able to take a step back." She is regarded for her expertise on African cases and mostly acts on energy and construction disputes."
The Legal 500 2020, Dispute Resolution: International Arbitration – France: "Elizabeth Oger Gross demonstrates great attention to detail and promptness in responses".
Future Leaders – Partners, Who's Who Legal (Construction) 2020: Brings significant value to clients as an "excellent thinker" and is "very well-spoken with exceptional writing skills."
Up & Coming Lawyer, Chambers Europe 2020, International Arbitration – France
"Commitment and passion."
"Quick understanding of complex technical matters."
Future Leaders – Partners, Who's Who Legal (Arbitration) 2020: Hailed by peers as an "exceptional lawyer" who is able to "focus on the details and handle cases with much rigour".
Up & Coming Lawyer, Chambers 2019, Dispute Resolution: International Arbitration – France
"Very intelligent and has wide experience."
Up & Coming Lawyer, Chambers 2018, Dispute Resolution: International Arbitration – France
"Skill at getting to the core of the issues, and her ability to cut away details that are of limited importance"
Future Leaders – Partners , Who's Who Legal (Construction) 2019: "'a very smart and clear-thinking lawyer' who is applauded by sources for her 'exceptional writing skills''. "'She is very knowledgeable with respect to the legal and the strategic and technical aspects' of large scale construction disputes."
Future Leader – Partners, Who's Who Legal (Arbitration) 2018 & 2019:
"Excellent", "draws praise for her strategic and commercial advice"
Recommended Lawyer, The Legal 500 2017, Dispute Resolution: International Arbitration – France
"Very thorough and efficient in examining witnesses"