White & Case Advises QIA as Cornerstone Investor on Hut Group’s Initial Public Offering
1 min read
Global law firm White & Case LLP has advised the Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) on its cornerstone investment in the Hut Group, as part of the Hut Group’s Initial Public Offering and standard listing on the London Stock Exchange (LSE).
With a market capitalization of £5.4 billion, The Hut Group's flotation is the largest tech IPO listed on the LSE.
White & Case previously advised QIA on its US$200 million cornerstone investment supporting Airtel Africa’s £3.1 billion IPO on the LSE in June 2019.
The White & Case team which advised on the transaction was led by partner Inigo Esteve (London) and included partners Michiel Visser (New York) and Peita Menon (London), counsel Paul Harrington (London) and associate Alexander Underwood (London).
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