White & Case advises on Greatland Gold’s US$325 million placing for acquisition of Havieron and Telfer projects in Australia

Press Release
1 min read

Global law firm White & Case LLP has advised Canaccord Genuity Limited as global coordinator and sole bookrunner and SPARK Advisory Partners Limited as nominated adviser on the US$325 million placing and retail offer by Greatland Gold plc.

Greatland Gold plc is a mining development and exploration company focused primarily on precious and base metals in Australia.

The net proceeds of the placing will primarily be used to finance the cash component of the acquisition of a 70 per cent ownership interest in the Havieron gold-copper project, 100 per cent ownership of the Telfer gold-copper mine and other related interests in assets in the Paterson Province in Western Australia.

The White & Case team which advised on the transaction was led by partner Inigo Esteve (London) and included partners David Lewis and Laura Sizemore (both London), counsel Bob Lehner (Chicago) and associate Tarang Nagar (London).

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