Global law firm White & Case LLP has advised the Czech Ministry of Transport on a pilot highway Public Private Partnership (PPP) project in the Czech Republic.
"Employing our extensive foreign PPP experience together with our local project finance expertise we were able to advise the contracting authority on the successful financial close of the first-ever highway PPP project in the Czech Republic," said White & Case partner Vít Stehlík, who co-led the Firm’s deal team. "The project is a significant milestone in the financing of highway network construction in the Czech Republic."
The Czech Ministry of Transport started preparing the tender for the selection of a concession holder to build and operate the D4 using the PPP model in 2017. The project includes the construction of approximately 32 kilometers of new highway and the renewal of approximately 16 kilometers of follow-up sections that already exist, connecting Příbram and Písek, and their subsequent operation for approximately 24 years. Following the execution of the concession agreement on February 15, 2021, financial close has now taken place and the financial terms have been confirmed with the concession holder.
The White & Case team which advised on the transaction was led by partner Vít Stehlík (Prague) and counsel Peter Hodál (Bratislava) and included partner Caroline Miller Smith (London), partner of counsel Marek Staroň (Bratislava) and associates David Wilhelm, Renata Ryglová and Jan Voborský (all Prague).
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