White & Case Advises on Establishment of ASTM’s €3 Billion EMTN Programme
1 min read
Global law firm White & Case LLP has advised Mediobanca S.p.A. and UniCredit Bank AG, as arrangers and dealers, on the Italian and English law aspects of the establishment of ASTM’s €3 billion Euro Medium Term Note Programme.
The Notes issued under the programme will be listed on the Irish Stock Exchange (Euronext Dublin).
ASTM S.p.A. is an Italian company operating in the sectors of motorway management, large infrastructure engineering, construction projects, and transport and mobility technology. ASTM is the second largest toll road operator in the world.
The White & Case team which advised on the transaction included partners Michael Immordino (Milan and London), Ferigo Foscari (Milan) and Stuart Matty (London) and associates Louise Ruggiero and Pietro Magnaghi, and lawyer Lorenza Fici (all Milan).
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