White & Case Advises Commerzbank and Other Banks on InfraLeuna's Structured Financing
1 min read
Global law firm White & Case LLP has advised Commerzbank AG as Bookrunner & Mandated Lead Arranger, Lender and Syndicate Agent, Commerzbank Finance & Covered Bond S.A. as Collateral Agent, Postbank – a branch of Deutsche Bank AG as Mandated Lead Arranger, and other banks on the €214 million structured financing for InfraLeuna GmbH (InfraLeuna).
The secured syndicated loans will be used primarily for the expansion and modernisation of the combined cycle power plant at the Leuna chemical site, and for the implementation of further infrastructure projects related to the establishment of the Finnish UPM Group. The expansion will increase the capacity of the combined cycle power plant and improve its efficiency to enable further growth of companies at the site.
InfraLeuna owns and operates the infrastructure facilities at the Leuna chemical site, employing around 10,000 people in around 100 companies including BASF, Linde and TOTAL. InfraLeuna, as the site operator, provides services including energy supply for the companies located there.
The White & Case team in Hamburg which advised on the transaction was led by partner Florian Degenhardt and included local partner Matthias Bochum, counsel Beate Treibmann and associate Martin Riederer.
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