In Law360, White & Case partner Rebecca Farrington discusses her appointment to co-chair of the Firm's Global Antitrust/Competition Practice, alongside White & Case partner J. Mark Gidley, who has previously chaired the practice solo for more than two decades.
Farrington and Gidley described the elevation as "a natural reflection of an antitrust practice that now stands at more than 170 attorneys worldwide, dedicated solely to competition law, and more than 265 when counting lawyers who spent over half their time on antitrust law."
"Our clients are facing increasingly complex issues around the globe," Farrington notes. "With two co-chairs leading the Firm's global response to that dynamic, we have more bandwidth to serve our clients."
The practice is, "growing, sort of explosively," Gidley notes. "It's really terrific to have co-heads, not a single head," he said.
Farrington joined the Firm in 2008, and her practice focuses on global merger and non-merger investigations, private antitrust litigation and counseling on antitrust issues.
In regard to plans for the future of the practice, Farrington says, "the plan is to keep White & Case a place where it is really the best place to be an antitrust lawyer."
See the full Law360 article here.
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