Gila River Power, LP (Gila River), Docket No. RC13-1 (October 31, 2012)
Reliability Standard: TOP-005-2a
Requirement: 3
Region: WECC
Issue: Gila River, as a Purchasing-Selling Entity, submitted a self-report explaining that it failed to deliver information as requested by its Host Balancing Authority (BA) and Transmission Operator (TOP) that require daily information updates. WECC confirmed that Gila River had an issue with TOP-005-2a R3 because it did not provide information as requested by its BA and TOP to enable them to conduct operational reliability assessments and coordinate reliable operations. Enforcement determined that although Gila River did not provide the Report, it did conduct a daily operational call with its BA and TOP.
Finding: The issue was deemed to pose minimal risk to BPS reliability because Gila River had daily phone calls with the TOP and the BA knew the status of all generation and transmission resources available for use. The BA could access PGR's current-day and next-day scheduled operations through the Open Access Technology, Inc. system at any time. In addition, Gila River stated that all units were running as expected, and there were no unplanned or scheduled outages. Gila River's plant is a natural gas plant that only operates when it is economically feasible, and is not part of the base generation necessary to serve load.