Gila River Power, LP (Gila River), Docket No. RC13-1 (October 31, 2012)
Reliability Standard: TOP-002-2b
Requirement: 3
Region: WECC
Issue: Gila River, as a GOP and LSE, submitted a self-report stating the Gila River 7-Day Availability Report (Report) was not delivered daily to its Transmission Service Provider (TSP) and Balancing Authority (BA) as required by the Standard. WECC Enforcement determined that even though Gila River did not provide this Report, it did conduct a daily operational call with its BA and TOP.
Finding: The issue was deemed to pose minimal risk to BPS reliability because Gila River had daily phone calls with the TOP and the BA knew the status of all generation and transmission resources available for use. The BA could access PGR's current-day and next-day scheduled operations through the Open Access Technology, Inc. system at any time. In addition, Gila River stated that all units were running as expected, and there were no unplanned or scheduled outages. Gila River's plant is a natural gas plant that only operates when it is economically feasible, and is not part of the base generation necessary to serve load.
Sundevil Power Holdings, LLC (SDPH), Docket No. RC13-1 (October 31, 2012)
Reliability Standard: TOP-002-2b
Requirement: 3
Region: WECC
Issue: SDPH, as a GOP, submitted a self-report explaining that the Gila River 7-Day Availability Report (Report) was not delivered daily to its Transmission Service Provider (TSP) and Balancing Authority (BA) as required by TOP-006-2 R1.
Finding: The issue was deemed to pose minimal risk to BPS reliability because SDPH had daily phone calls with its TOP and the BA knew the status of all generation and transmission resources available for use. SDPH had daily phone calls with the TOP to ensure that it knew the status of all generation and transmission resources available for use. The BA was able to access SDPH's current-day and next-day scheduled operations through the Open Access Technology, Inc. system at any time. Also during the issue period, SDPH confirmed that all units were running as expected, and there were no unplanned or scheduled outages. SDPH's generation plant is a natural gas plant that only operates when it is economically feasible, and is not part of the base generation necessary to serve load.
USACE – Walla Walla District (UNWW), Docket No. RC13-1 (October 31, 2012)
Reliability Standard: TOP-002-2b
Requirement: 14
Region: WECC
Issue: UNWW, as a GOP, submitted a self-report explaining that it did not notify its BA and Transmission Operator (TOP) of changes in its generator availability.
Finding: The issue was deemed to pose minimal risk to BPS reliability. UNWW was aware that it would not be able to bring the unit into service within the required time period, if requested by the BA. As compensating measures, during the 42 minutes that one of the units listed as available was in fact not available, the units that were in-service were capable of generating an additional 47 MW if requested by the BA. Additionally, if the host BA or TOP requested the unit be put into service during the 42 minutes of downtime, UNWW had other units that could be brought online. Each of the six units at the Lower Monumental Project is rated at 155 MW. UNWW had the capability to bring at least one additional generating unit on-line at any time.