Reliability Standard: PRC-STD-003-1
Requirement: WR1
Violation Risk Factor: N/A
Violation Severity Level: Not provided
Region: WECC
Issue: In June 2009, Southern California Edison – Transmission & Distribution Business Unit (SCET) self-reported a violation of Regional Reliability Standard PRC-STD-003-1 WR1 based on its failure to remove, as required, failed relays from service for repair or replacement within 22 hours of a known relay misoperation that occurred on June 24, 2008. Instead, SCET did not remove the failed relays from service for 45 days.
Finding: WECC found that SCET's violation of the Regional Reliability Standard did not pose a serious or substantial risk to the bulk power system since SCET has in use at the Vincent No. 1 500 kV circuit breakers at the Midway Substation (the facility where the incident occurred) three sets of redundant relay systems and all of these relays operated as planned when the failed relays were out of service. In assessing the penalty amount, WECC considered the fact that SCET self-reported the violation; this was SCET's first violation of the relevant Reliability Standard; SCET was cooperative during the compliance process and did not conceal the violations; and the violation was not intentional. SCET has successfully completed a mitigation plan.
Penalty: $28,000 (aggregate for multiple violations)
FERC Order: Issued March 31, 2010 (no further review)