Find, Fix and Track Entity, FERC Docket No. RC12-8 (February 29, 2012)
Reliability Standard: PRC-018-1
Requirement: R6
Region: NPCC
Issue: FFT Entity self-reported that it did not have a proper corporate maintenance and testing program for its disturbance monitoring equipment (DME), as not all DME was covered by the existing process and there was not a standard basis for its maintenance and testing intervals.
Finding: NPCC found that this issue constituted only a minimal risk to the BPS since FFT Entity has included its DME as part of its facilities’ maintenance and testing program. In addition, FFT Entity has enacted a relay operation analysis program that incorporated DME data.
Pattern Gulf Wind LLC ("Pattern Gulf"), FERC Docket No. RC13-2-000 (November 30, 2012)
Reliability Standard: PRC-018-1
Requirement: 3
Region: TRE
Issue: Pattern Gulf, as a GO, self-reported that the owner of the Disturbance Monitoring Equipment (DME) installed in their substation was implementing a different piece of equipment than Pattern Gulf had reported to ERCOT (in noncompliance of R3). The duration of the remediated issue was from March 16, 2010, when Pattern Gulf registered as a GO, to May 10, 2012, when the error was discovered and corrected.
Finding: TRE found the issue posed a minimal risk to the reliability of the BPS since it was an administrative issue regarding proper identification of assets assigned to record system disturbances. In addition, if information had been required to report a disturbance, Pattern Gulf technicians were able to use the correct relay installed to provide this function and the issue was immediately reported and remediated upon discovery.
Westar Energy, Inc. (Westar), Docket No. RC12-13 (June 29, 2012)
Reliability Standard: PRC-018-1
Requirement: R2
Region: SPP
Issue: Westar, in its role as a GO, submitted a self-report in February 2012 explaining that it found that not all required Disturbance Monitoring Equipment (DME) had been installed as required by SPP’s installation requirements. Westar found that three substations did not have Dynamic Disturbance Recorders (DDRs) despite SPP’s requirement that interconnecting transmission lines must have DDR capabilities.
Finding: The issue was deemed by SPP to pose minimal risk to BPS reliability. DDRs are not used for real-time operations, but they are used to record events or for analyzing past events. In addition, the requirement to install DDRs can be waived by SPP. Also, Westar’s facilities have other means to monitor disturbances.