Entergy, Docket No. RC13-9, May 30, 2013
Reliability Standard: PRC-011-0
Requirement: 2
Region: SERC
Issue: Entergy, as a TO and DP, self-reported an issue with PRC-011-0 R2 to SERC when it did not have evidence that five new metering points associated with its Undervoltage Load Shedding (UVLS) Protection System were properly maintained before the metering points were included in its revised UVLS program. Entergy failed to review the maintenance records for these 5 new metering points to assure that the maintenance was current with that required for the new scheme.
Finding: SERC determined that the issue posed a minimal risk to the reliability of the BPS because 3 of the 5 metering points at issue are redundant with other metering points, and the other 2 metering points were equipped with low and high voltage alarms that would alert Entergy personnel if a problem arose. Furthermore, Entergy’s UVLS system protects a geographically constrained area in East Texas that has a peak load of 293 MW, and when Entergy subsequently checked the metering points, they were found to be functioning normally.