Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA), Docket No. RC13-7-000 (March 27, 2013)
Reliability Standard: MOD-012-0
Requirement: 1
Region: FRCC
Issue: FMPA filed a self-report to FRCC regarding a compliance issue with MOD-012-0. In particular, while conducting an internal review, FMPA, a registered Generator Owner and Resource Planner, found that resource models for power system stabilizers (PSS) for two generating units had not been included with the models FMPA provided to FRCC.
Finding: The issue was deemed to pose minimal risk to BPS reliability and not serious or substantial risk. Once the additional information was considered, no change to system operating limits would have occurred had the PSS been included in the initial data sent to FRCC because there were no operating limits established in the areas where the units are located.
USACE - Tulsa District (USACE), Docket No. RC13-9, May 30, 2013
Reliability Standard: MOD-012-0
Requirement: 2
Region: TRE
Issue: USACE, as a GO, self-reported an issue with MOD-012-0 R2 to TRE after discovering that it had not provided dynamics system modeling data to its Regional Reliability Organization (RRO). The issue arose when USACE submitted certain dynamics data to a third-party contractor who had been delegated certain data submittal activities, with the expectation that such contractor would forward the data to the RRO. USACE subsequently discovered that there was no record of the data having been provided to the RRO.
Finding: TRE determined that the issue posed a minimal risk to the reliability of the BPS because without such data, following customary practice, the TRE would have relied on simulated data for its analysis. An ex-post examination showed that the simulation data is very accurate when compared to the modeling data. Furthermore, the facility’s nameplate rating of ~80 MW further reduced the risk to the BPS.