Find, Fix and Track Entity, FERC Docket No. RC12-6 (December 30, 2011)
Reliability Standard: MOD-001-1a
Requirement: R8
Region: WECC
Issue: FFT Entity self-reported that it received a month-ahead planned outage notification. Said notification required that the FFT Entity recalculate its monthly ATC (Available Transfer Capability) within one week. FFT Entity missed this deadline by 9 calendar days.
Finding: Although failing to update an ATC may cause a TSP (Transmission Service Provider) to become unaware of its available system capacity, WECC found in this case that the issue constituted an unsubstantial risk to BPS reliability. Because the outage was planned, FFT Entity’s staff was cognizant of the procedure and successfully calculated its ATC in advance of the outage. In addition, no evidence suggests that FFT Entity operated its system without accurate ATC information.
Reliability Standard: MOD-001-1a
Requirement: R4
Region: SERC
Issue: LG&E and KU, a Transmission Service Provider, self-reported that it had revised and made effective its Available Transfer Capability Implementation Document (ATCID) before informing all parties required by sub-requirements R4.1 through R4.6. SERC review found that LG&E and KU informed the appropriate parties on January 3, 2012 of the revised ATCID; however the effective date for the document was January 1, 2012. Both versions of the ATCID stated that notices would be sent before the effective date of an update. SERC determined the changes made regarded organization and distribution handling only and did not affect the Available Transfer Capability (ATC) methodology or how the ATC is determined.
Finding: The issued was deemed by SERC to pose minimal risk to BPS reliability as the notice was sent to the required parties on the first business day following the date the revised version became effective and there was no impact to the calculation of ATC.
Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC), Docket No. RC13-10, June 27, 2013
Reliability Standard: MOD-001-1a
Requirement: R2; R2.2; R2.3; R3; R3.1
Region: FRCC
Issue: Further to a Compliance Audit, FRCC found that OUC, as a TSP, had issues with MOD-001-1a R2 and R3. Regarding R2, OUC failed to subtract Transmission Reliability Margin (TRM) from Total Transfer Capability (TTC) in calculating firm Available Transfer Capability (ATC). Regarding R3, FRCC found that OUC had not kept current its Available Transfer Capability Implementation Document (ATCID) with a sufficiently detailed description of how the selected methodology is implemented, allowing for the results of the Available Transfer Capability calculations to be validated.
Finding: FRCC determined that the issues posed a minimal risk to the reliability of the BPS for three reasons: (1) OUC had three import and three export paths and no wheeling paths; (2) reservations would need to be made through both the sending and receiving Transmission Service Providers (TSPs) on the path, allowing the other TSP in the path to calculate ATC correctly and deny any firm ATC that was oversold by OUC; and (3) as the sum of the facility (line) ratings are typically larger than the calculated TTC value, the TTC value would not be a limiting factor even without TRM properly subtracted.
Progress Energy Carolinas (PEC), Docket No. RC13-8, April 30, 2013
Reliability Standard: MOD-001-1a
Requirement: 6, 7
Region: SERC
Issue: PEC filed self-reports with SERC in June 2012 explaining that as a TOP and a TSP, it had incorrectly used assumptions for three transmission lines that were more limiting than those used in operations planning when determining Total Flowgate Capability (TFC) (R6) and Available Flowgate Capability (R7).
Finding: The violation was deemed to pose minimal risk to BPS reliability but not serious or substantial risk which was mitigated because even though the assumptions were incorrect and had the potential to affect commercial activity, the energy management system for the PEC system used correct ratings.