PacifiCorp, FERC Docket No. IN11-6 (December 1, 2011)
Reliability Standard: EOP-002-0
Requirement: R7
Issue: On February 14, 2008, a short circuit occurred on a transformer at PacifiCorp’s Huntington generation plant in Utah, which triggered an immediate loss of approximately 2800 MW of generation across PacifiCorp’s East Balancing Authority Area (“PacifiCorp East” – which consists of Utah, southeast Idaho and western Wyoming) and the shedding of approximately 183 MW of firm load in Utah. During the emergency, PacifiCorp’s Managing Director ordered an operator to “hold off” on firm load shedding in the 10:00 am hour, which led to a delay in load shedding (R7).
Finding: On December 1, 2011, FERC approved a Stipulation and Consent Agreement between FERC Office of Enforcement (“Enforcement”), NERC and PacifiCorp regarding PacifiCorp’s actions as a BA and TOP surrounding the February 14, 2008 disturbance. Enforcement and NERC found that the Manager Director’s order caused an impermissible delay in shedding firm load that needed to occur in order to restore PacifiCorp’s Area Control Error (“ACE”) to zero.
Penalty: $3,925,000 (aggregate for 23 violations)