4548 results
Sustainability and information security: Opportunities and challenges
There has been increased focus on the environmental impact of international arbitration in recent years. Reducing the environmental impact of international arbitration is a serious objective but how 'green' are arbitration users willing to go in practice?
Diversity on arbitral tribunals: What’s the prognosis?
Undoubtedly, progress has been made in terms of gender diversity on arbitral tribunals over the past three years. But despite the increased focus on diversity issues and initiatives, respondents clearly feel that this has not as yet translated into actual or sufficient positive change.
Current choices and future adaptations
International arbitration is the preferred method of resolving cross-border disputes, with London, Singapore, Hong Kong, Paris and Geneva topping the list as the most preferred seats for arbitration. ICC, SIAC, HKIAC, LCIA and CIETAC were named as the top five arbitral institutions.