Recent Insights

Ho Chi Minh city
Vietnam M&A heads for another record in 2021
High-growth industries continue to attract investor interest despite COVID disruptions
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European M&A reaches post-crisis high
M&A activity in Western Europe surged in Q3 on the back of strong PE interest and low UK stock prices
wind turbines
Energy Transition & Industry Impact - Climate Change
COP26 Video Series
metal wall
High yield bond markets make steady year-on-year gains
Global high yield markets paused for breath in Q3 2021, but year-to-date issuance remains ahead of 2020 levels in most regions
Latin America Focus: Fall 2021
Opportunities and challenges in post-COVID-19 Latin America
US infrastructure 2021 – 22: The path to growth
Our survey shows investment in infrastructure assets looks set to accelerate with an anticipated boost from the US infrastructure bill and a growing focus on sustainability and technology
In Japan, resistance to hostile takeovers fades
Attitudes are shifting, thanks to changes in corporate governance  
circuit board
Supply chain woes refocus investment strategies as M&A and PE soar
Pandemic-derived supply chain issues unlock investment opportunities  
fine art
Software deals push Q3 M&A activity to US$1.4 trillion record
Despite a drop on the previous quarter, Q3 2021 global M&A value represented the strongest Q3 on Mergermarket record. 
Global PE continues boom, with highest Q3 on record
After four quarters in a row of exceptionally high PE activity, Q3 2021 has continued the trend, recording the highest value and volume of any third quarter on record  
Taiwanese investors and businesses: Forging a path through global transitions
Taiwanese investors and businesses: Forging a path through global transitions
Key legal developments in 2021 and their implications for Taiwan
Italian M&A on track to reach post-crisis high
An increase in megadeals reveals growing dealmaker appetite within Italy's M&A market
Southeast Asia’s tech boom fuels recordbreaking H1
The region's burgeoning digital economy is drawing attention from investors across the globe  
Financial institutions M&A: Sector trends - September 2021
We highlight the key European M&A trends in the first half of 2021, and provide our insights into the outlook for M&A moving forward.
SPACs find opportunity in Israel
The SPAC phenomenon has spread to Israel, where regulators have laid the foundation for local SPAC IPOs as well  
Mining & metals 2021: Forces of transition and influencers of change
The mining & metals industry is critical to the success of the world's transition towards net zero, both in reducing its own carbon footprint and providing the materials that will deliver a cleaner and more sustainable future
Middle East debt markets step up as economic outlook improves
Lifting pandemic restrictions, coupled with successful vaccination rollouts in the Gulf and an improving economic outlook, supported a rebound in loan and bond activity in the Middle East in the first half of 2021
The rise and rise of ESG-linked debt issuance
ESG-linked financing issuance swelled in 2021, with issuers responding to the rapid growth in investor demand for environmental and socially-linked debt issuance
Hong Kong city
High yield bond issuance grows in APAC despite cooling real estate activity
Strong refinancing appetite sustains the high yield bond market in the Asia-Pacific region despite a slowdown in real estate issuance in China.
metal wall
Private equity firms hunt for value in public markets
Take private activity reached a decade high in the first half of 2021, fueled by large sums of dry powder and heated competition for assets.
African M&A stages a comeback
H1 2021 dealmaking within the continent appears to be turning a corner  
US trade: The rise of benefit corporations and stakeholder - capitalism businesses
Companies focused on broader public benefits and ESG principles face unique issues in international trade disputes.
India city image
Jumbo deals a bright spot after tough period for India’s loan markets
Loan issuance from Indian borrowers has tailed off because of rising COVID-19 infections, but high-profile mega-deal financings have given lenders and borrowers cause for optimism  
Outlook for Africa brightens after challenging first half to the year
Lender caution following Zambia’s debt repayment default in 2020 has weighed on African debt issuance, but successful raisings by high profile borrowers show that investor appetite remains resilient
office building windows
Widening variety of issuers sustains refinancing momentum
Debt markets warm to issuers from a broader range of sectors, maintaining high levels of refinancing activity  
Private equity goes back to school
PE is breaking records, notably in the education sector
Mexico city
LatAm M&A rebounds
The region's largest economies—Brazil and Mexico—lead the dealmaking revival
grey stairs
Rising inflation represents risks and opportunities for leveraged finance markets
For the first time in years, inflation is on the radar for high yield bond and leveraged loan lenders and borrowers—but how might it impact markets?
Two vessels on the sea
FPSOs: Overcoming challenges to unlock potential
FPSOs have revolutionized deep-water oil extraction but these technically complex vessels are a fertile ground for uncertainty, spiraling costs and long delays
SPACs on track to drive M&A leveraged loan issuance
Jumbo deals contribute to a rise in M&A and LBO financing
Borrowers take advantage of hot loan and high yield bond markets to lock in M&A and leveraged buyout financing at attractive terms and pricing
Private equity carve-outs ride post-COVID wave
PE investors stand ready to fund spinoffs of non-core assets as companies refocus for the recovery
office building windows
Refinancing and jumbo deals drive global leveraged loan market
Refinancing activity supports a double-digit year-on-year uptick in leveraged loan issuance in the United States and Europe, while mega-deals dominate in the Asia-Pacific region.  
Mountain road aerial shot
US leveraged finance: The road ahead
What will drive issuance in a post-COVID-19 world?
New heights: US M&A H1 2021
New heights: US M&A H1 2021
US M&A set a new record for value in H1 2021—and nearly surpassed the full-year figure for 2020
tables outside a restaurant
US leisure and retail M&A roars back
Investors are finding businesses showing resilience
Stock Market
Surging M&A megadeals top records in Q2
Low interest rates and high levels of liquidity are fueling transformational M&A deals  
High yield issuance surges in the US, Europe and APAC
Plentiful liquidity supports a year-on-year rise in high yield bond issuance in the US, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region  
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How changing attitudes toward data sharing could accelerate smart city adoption
The pandemic seems to have prompted people to rethink their attitudes toward sharing personal data, particularly when it is used to manage public health and provide essential services. Can this shift serve as a catalyst for smart city adoption?
Surging TMT transactions carry Q2 global M&A to record heights
A brightening macroeconomic outlook and supportive deal environment helped push second-quarter value to a new record.
Global PE posts record buyout value in Q2 thanks to TMT, pharma
Increasing cooperation between global PE players is pushing up price tags