Explore Trendscape Our take on the interconnected global trends that are shaping the business climate for our clients.
Across the energy sector, not least in the low carbon advanced technology space, many are getting used to lifecycle analysis and carbon intensity calculations as disclosing the full carbon footprint of products and services becomes the norm. Mandatory transparency across the full value chain will be further enhanced through carbon transition plans as part of sustainability reporting and supply chain due diligence. Meanwhile, in July, the Supreme Court judgment in Finch v Surrey County Council clarified the scope of environmental impact assessments. When considering applications for new oil and gas projects, the indirect impact of combustion of the hydrocarbons must now be considered in the EIA and thus form part of the consultative consenting process. This webinar considers the impacts, risks and opportunities presented by increased transparency and consultation in the UK energy transition.
- Amy Avalos, Chief Sustainability Officer, World Kinect Corp
- Dr Rebecca Heaton, Expert Advisor on sustainability, climate change, nature, agriculture and forestry, KPMG
- Danny Kessler, Chairman, Navigilant
- Stephen Shergold, Partner, London
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This article is prepared for the general information of interested persons. It is not, and does not attempt to be, comprehensive in nature. Due to the general nature of its content, it should not be regarded as legal advice.
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