Our Corporate M&A team were delighted to contribute to the latest LexisNexis Market Tracker Trend Report on UK Public M&A. The report looks at the current trends in UK public mergers and acquisitions, including in-depth analysis of the UK public M&A transactions announced in 2021. It also provides insight into what LexisNexis, and their contributors, expect to see in 2022 and beyond.
The report reviews the 53 firm offers, 52 possible offers and five formal sale processes and/or strategic reviews, which were announced by Main Market and AIM companies subject to the Takeover Code in 2021.
Topics covered include:
- Predictions for 2022
- Deal value and volume
- Deal structure
- Hostile, competing and mandatory offers
- P2P transactions
- Bidder jurisdictions
- Industry focus
- Nature of consideration
- Financing the offer
- Possible offer, formal sale processes and strategic reviews
- Break fees and reverse break fees
- Irrevocable undertakings
- Post-offer statements of intention
- Engagement by shareholders and other stakeholders
- Legal and regulatory developments
Download the full report 'Market Tracker Trend Report: UK Public M&A in 2021' PDF
This article was first published by LexisNexis.
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