Countdown to RIDW24: New Year, New Arbitration Hub: KSA's Impressive Delivery On Its Promise to Create an Attractive Environment for Investors
1 min read
The inaugural Riyadh International Disputes Week ("RIDW"), commencing on 3 March 2024, is a milestone event for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ("KSA") and the disputes field, uniting key players in the field to explore the alternative dispute resolution landscape in the KSA and beyond. RIDW, the first event of its kind in the KSA, attests to the remarkable progress made by the KSA on the journey it set out on a few years ago to establish a robust arbitration regime, aligned with its broader Vision 2030 commitment to foster an investor-friendly environment. In 2023 alone, this included reforms in national legislation, international instruments, and institutional rules.
This article was first published on Kluwer Arbitration Blog, please visit here.
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