Luxembourg has developed a significant expertise in collective asset management and structuring of investment funds, and the Luxembourg "investment toolbox" provides a broad array of options in respect of fund regimes and legal forms.
This handbook offers an initial overview of the main fund regimes available in Luxembourg, fund structuring opportunities and regulatory implications, to help you to assess which product will best meet your expectations. It also outlines other key considerations such as the Luxembourg tax environment, ESG, AIFMD, etc.
- Luxembourg: Key hub for investment funds in Europe
- Key considerations
- Create the product that meets your expectations
- AIFMD Key implications
- How to benefit from AIFMD?
- What does it mean to be fully subject to AIFMD?
- Fund structuring opportunities
- Main fund regimes in Luxembourg
- Main regulatory implications summary
- Additional structuring aspects
- Tax environment
- Parallel fund structures
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This article is prepared for the general information of interested persons. It is not, and does not attempt to be, comprehensive in nature. Due to the general nature of its content, it should not be regarded as legal advice.
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