Law.com International has named White & Case partner Olga Fedosova (Paris) to its list of "Rising Stars: Europe's Best Up-and-Coming Female Lawyers" for 2023, published yesterday. The list focuses on female lawyers under the age of 40, with the winning 25 – chosen from a pool of over 70 submissions – identified as "future female leaders in law."
According to Law.com International, candidates for the Rising Stars list were judged by "the quality of their client base; examples of driving forward the size or reputation of their practice area; the scale, significance, and complexity of their cases; their client feedback and general market reputation; the standing of their mentor; and any other examples of career success and innovation."
In its profile of Fedosova, Law.com International wrote: "Olga Fedosova has already crammed several careers' worth of experience into her almost 40 years. […] After the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Olga was part of the core team that worked on the firm's charity response, organizing the collection of funds and medical supplies to be delivered to hospitals. Her practice area—capital markets—was 'love at first sight' for the dynamic pace of deals, their international nature, and the 'rewarding' ability to help address pressing client needs."