How to apply

Your journey

Whether you’re a first-year university student starting to consider career options, or a graduate looking for a profession in which you can make your mark, there’s a route to White & Case for you.

Steph Lartey
As an associate, I’ve embarked on a remarkable career journey. I’ve witnessed my responsibilities grow, had the privilege to engage in innovative projects from the outset, and collaborated with amazing minds in the industry, shaping my professional path in unparalleled ways.
Steph Lartey, Associate

Explore your journey with us

No matter where you are in your studies, plan your journey to White & Case below.


Graduate, Undergraduate or School Leaver?  

Law or non-law

How long is your undergraduate degree?

Which year of your degree are you currently in?

Download my personalised journey

Download my personalised journey

Your future from here

Two years of a fast-learning curve in a fast-paced environment—you’ll be amazed just how far you’ve come and how much you’ll have learned. Yes, the role is demanding and the hours can be long. But we’ll support you every step of the way as you build the skills, knowledge and contacts that will sustain your entire career.

As a newly qualified associate, you’ll be ready to take your future where you want it to go. During your post-qualification years, we’ll make sure you continue to grow and evolve.

Wherever your career takes you, the experience and knowledge you’ll gain at the Firm will build and accelerate your future career. The only limit is your ambition.

Ready to apply?

When it’s time to apply, complete our online application form. Join us and make a mark.

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Inside White & Case

Discover the career journeys of trainees, associates and partners on our recruiting content hub.

Emmie Jones
Advice to my younger self: London partner Emmie Jones
"Challenge your own perspectives"
Serene Reza
Making the most of the trainee-supervisor relationship
"However senior they are, every supervisor was once a trainee"
Will Stoner
From trainee to partner
Reflections and top tips from Will Stoner