Global Citizenship Review
Highlights from our Global Pro Bono Practice, volunteering and responsible business activities
From our Chair
As one of the largest providers of pro bono legal services in the world, we felt a very strong responsibility to help address both the COVID-19 and racial justice crises. We often worked closely with longstanding pro bono clients who needed to respond quickly to fast-changing situations. For example, we helped the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies assess the impact of COVID-19 emergency decrees in 77 countries. We also created new initiatives like the Racial Justice Task Force set up by lawyers in our Global Antitrust Practice.
This review reports on our pro bono and legal education work on these issues and our continued work on access to justice, human rights and the environment.
We take our commitment to the United Nations Global Compact seriously. It has inspired our Responsible Business Working Group, co-chaired by our General Counsel, to look at our own operations and supply chain in a more holistic way. We share reflections by members of the Working Group on our efforts and progress since signing the Compact in 2016.
This year has changed the world, and it’s also changed our Firm. We hope that we have helped steer the world toward a healthier, more just future.
__Hugh Verrier, Chair
Inspiring voices
Two pro bono clients reflect on environmental risks and racial justice

Dominic Jermey, CVO, OBE
Director General of ZSL (Zoological Society of London) on why a holistic approach to the environment, animal health and human health is critical

Nakiya Wakes
Nakiya Wakes of Flint, Michigan shares her fight to overcome the effects of lead poisoning for her son and the community
Capacity for justice
Addressing issues facing the Black and Brown community

Justice under strain
Five partners discuss what global law firms can do to address the racial injustice crisis

Remote learning
Our legal education and pipeline programs continued in virtual settings around the world

Emergency exemptions
We analyze emergency decrees to help the IFRC boost pandemic response

Making rights a reality
Highlights of our work on international human rights

Chains of evidence
We analyze chain-of-custody evidentiary rules and standards before international criminal tribunals

Other highlights of our international human rights work
United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers
Analysis of emblematic national corruption cases in political institutions and the judicial system with a focus on human rights matters
Child Rights International Network
Research to map how children’s right to a healthy environment has been implemented globally with regard to the relevant constitutional and legislative provisions, how children can access the courts in environmental cases, and how children’s civil and political rights are protected to ensure they are able to raise awareness on environmental issues
Public International Law & Policy Group
Analysis of the possible options for using universal jurisdiction to pursue accountability for perpetrators of crimes committed against the Rohingya in Myanmar
World Coalition Against the Death Penalty
Research on jurisdictions in Africa, Central and South America where a person sentenced to a term of years may receive early release due to good conduct while in prison, regardless of the crime of conviction
Mexican Association of Women Judges
Assistance in preparing a comparative analysis of legislation and regulation on judicial independence and women’s career advancement
Responsible Business
How we are implementing the UN Global Compact’s principles

From good intentions to positive action
We commit to our first Australian Reconciliation Action Plan
Sustained action
Our people share practices they implemented in 2019 as part of our new environmental management system in a video. Our 2020 Environmental Sustainability Report provides details of our efforts.
About pro bono
Highlights of our Global Pro Bono Practice
By the numbers

__Jacquelyn MacLennan
Global Pro Bono Practice Leader, partner, Brussels
Our global pro bono practice continued to grow in 2020 as we helped address some of the world’s gravest challenges.
146,500 pro bono hours in 2020
4% increase from 2019
100% of our offices and practices do pro bono work
150+ partners and counsel serve as Pro Bono Leaders
60+ associates and legal staff serve as Pro Bono Champions

Pro Bono clients
We are privileged to work with more than 600 organizations and governments. Please view our client list here.
To read more about our commitment and activities, please visit our Global Citizenship page. Read our previous Global Citizenship Reviews here.