Pierre Tiberghien

Associate, Paris



Pierre Tiberghien is an associate in the Commercial Litigation practice of White & Case in Paris and a member of the Global White Collar Group.

His practice focuses on complex commercial litigation for French and foreign companies from all industry sectors. Notably, Pierre has expertise in assisting clients involved in copyright infringement and press related disputes.

Pierre is also developing a general criminal law practice and is registered on the emergency criminal defense lists of the Paris Bar.

Prior to joining White & Case, Pierre was an associate at two different international law firms, where he represented companies and individuals in complex cross-border disputes.

Bars and Courts
Grande École
HEC Paris
Master 1 & 2, Business & Tax Law
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Master 1, Droits anglais et français
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
English Law and French Law
King's College London


Pierre's recent experience includes representation and/or assistance of:

  • Various screenwriters, cinema producers and distributors in a copyright infringement claim initiated by a French writer before French civil courts.*
  • Two of the main adult websites in proceedings brought by the ARCOM before the Judicial Court of Paris, which also involved participating in a mediation and filing various administrative challenges before the French Administrative Supreme Court.*
  • An energy company in media and press matters, aiming at protecting its reputation and obtaining the withdrawal of publications containing false and defamatory allegations.*
  • A group of investors of perpetual bonds issued by a major food retail company in the context of its insolvency proceedings.*
  • Various companies in the context of enforcement of arbitration awards.*
  • The French Professional Football League in various claims relating to television rights before various French courts.*
  • A leading aviation leasing company in enforcement proceedings before various French courts.*
  • A sports arena and concert hall in a commercial litigation and ensuing amicable discussions involving a major construction and infrastructure company.*
  • Various individuals before the criminal chambers of the Judicial Court of Paris, and ahead of hearings before the police commissioner’s office.*

* Experience prior to joining White & Case


Article, « Affaire Prologue : cassation partielle et précisions inédites en matière d'offres publiques et de recours contre les décisions de l'AMF », Bulletin Joly Bourse, Kami Haeri and Robin Hassid, 31 January 2024

La CNIL met à jour son référentiel « Alertes professionnelles » ; Pierre Tiberghien, Flash, July 2023

Devoir de vigilance, Décision TJ Paris du 1er juin 2023; Pierre Tiberghien, Flash, June 2023 

Greenwashing : la DGCCRF publie le bilan de son enquête sur l’écoblanchiment. Le CNC met à jour le guide pratique sur les allégations environnementales ; Pierre Tiberghien, Flash, May 2023

RSE : les bonnes intentions obligent désormais ceux qui les expriment ; Pierre Tiberghien, La semaine juridique n°23, 9 June 2022

The European Commission publishes its proposal for a directive on corporate sustainability due diligence, Pierre Tiberghien, Newsletter, March 2022