Dr. Julia Sophia Habbe

Partner, Frankfurt


Clients are “very happy and satisfied” (JUVE, 2021) and praise her advice as “very carefully and concise. She discusses the issues at both a strategic and tactical level and thinks with the goal in mind. She and her team offer comprehensive technical solutions.” (Legal500 Germany, 2024)


Dr. Julia Sophia Habbe is the Head of Investigations Germany at White & Case. She specializes in advising on investigations, compliance, and corporate governance. Additionally, she handles complex corporate and civil litigation, regulatory disputes, class actions, and mass claims.

Dr. Julia Sophia Habbe represents global companies and their boards in compliance cases, focusing on accountability and liability, and manages legal disputes before supervisory authorities and courts. With extensive experience in regulatory, criminal, and internal investigations, she also provides counsel on crisis management in the aftermath of such investigations. Her lead mandates include complex cross-border matters in the context of ESG-Compliance around the topic of Diversity & Inclusion.

Prior to joining White & Case, Dr. Julia Sophia Habbe served as Co-Head of Compliance & Investigations at a leading European law firm and worked in dispute resolution and core corporate at a major international law firm. She is a member of the Commercial Law Committee of the German Bar Association (Deutscher Anwaltverein, DAV) and has authored over 45 articles on corporate, capital markets, and civil procedure law. Additionally, she lectures on Compliance and Negotiations at the University of Siegen.

Bars and Courts
Second State Exam
Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main
Dr jur
University of Mannheim
First State Exam
University of Heidelberg


Investigations & board room advice

Commerzbank AG
Advising the supervisory board and investigating the responsibility of the management board members for penalty payments in the US*

Deutsche Börse AG
Advising the supervisory board on suspicion of insider trading by the former chairman of the management board*

DAX 40-Company
Advising the management board on possible claims for breaches of duty by employees in connection with years of global corruption practices in the group, which had already been the subject of settlements with US authorities*

Deutsche Bahn AG
Advising the management board in regard of investigations of consultancy agreements with former members of governing bodies of group companies*

Deutsche Bahn
Various internal investigations for group companies, including advising the respective management board*

DAX 40-Company
Advising the management board in connection with allegations of misconduct in communications by a member of the management board*

DAX 40-Company
Advising the management board regarding allegations of possible gender and sexual discrimination against employees by other employees*

Hertha, Berliner Sport-Club (Hertha B.S.C.) e.V. & Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. KGaA
Advising the club and the limited partnership on shares in the context of the reporting by the Financial Times on a suspected campaign against the former club's president*

Internal process-oriented investigation concerning the compliance with the sanctions imposed by the EU against Russia*

Company from the online service sector
Advice in connection with allegations of sexual misconduct by a member of the management board*



Initiators of closed funds
Representation in more than 120 proceedings (all instances, including the Federal Court of Justice) as well as in contentious shareholder meetings*

Several financial institutions
Representation in proceedings related to structured products*

Capricorn Nürburgring
Representation in a proceeding against Deutsche Entertainment related to the cancellation of a festival*

Financial market stabilization fund
Representation in proceedings, i.e. appraisal proceeding, related to the stabilization of Hypo Real Estate Bank*

*Matters prior to joining White & Case


The Practitioner's Guide to Global Investigations - Volume II: Global Investigations around the World, in Global Investigations Review, 8th Edition, pp. 226 etseq.

Digitalisierung und Compliance – Rechtliche Herausforderung für die Geschäftsleitung, Neue Juristische Wochenschrift 2022, pp. 809 etseq.

Die Rolle des Aufsichtsrats in der Matrixorganisation, Neue Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsrecht 2022, pp. 445 etseq.

Interne Untersuchungen – Status quo und Zukunftsbetrachtung, Betriebs-Berater 2020, pp. 1226 etseq.

Rechtsrahmen für das Krisenmanagement im Unternehmen, Der Betrieb 2019, pp. 409 etseq.

Frauen und Verhandlungserfolg - Eine Einführung in Female Negotiation Strategies, Springer Gabler 2019

Interne Untersuchungen als Ausübung der Überwachungspflicht des Aufsichtsrats, Die Aktiengesellschaft 2018, pp. 257 etseq.

Awards and Recognition

"Sophia Habbe provides very prudent and balanced advice. She discusses issues at both a strategic and tactical level and thinks "from the end". Together with her team, she offers comprehensive professional solutions." Legal 500 Germany (2024)

"often recommended" lawyer for Compliance investigations, JUVE (2023, 2022, 2021)

"I am very happy and satisfied" client voice JUVE (2021)

"Sophia Habbe's team advises very conscientiously and precisely. The exchange is also personally very pleasant.", Legal 500 Germany (2021)