Charles Julien

Partner, Brussels, Geneva



Charles Julien is a partner in White & Case International Trade Practice Group and is based in the Geneva office. He advises clients on a wide range of international trade and customs matters including trade remedy proceedings, international disputes and trade and investment negotiations. He has particular experience in the Middle East and North Africa and in the European Union and in the energy, chemical and metal sectors.

Mr. Julien has extended experience on trade remedy issues. Over the last 25 years, he has represented foreign producers, exporters, importers and governments a great number of anti-dumping, countervailing and safeguard investigations in more than 20 jurisdictions. He has also assisted governments with the drafting of their trade remedy laws and in establishing or restructuring investigating authorities. Furthermore, he has developed early warning systems and advanced trade-remedy risk mitigating strategies for industry associations and producers.

In addition, Mr. Julien advises trade associations, government and companies on the consistency of measures and new forms of regulations with the WTO Agreements and other international trade and investment agreements. He also uses the latter, and more generally public international law, to increase market access opportunities and protect investments. He also assesses international trade risks in relation to investments.

Furthermore, Mr. Julien also has wide-ranging expertise on international trade and investment related matters. He supports governments in preferential trade agreement negotiations; in implementing the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreements and other international trade agreements and has represented governments in WTO dispute settlement proceedings and other international trade disputes.

Mr. Julien has extensive experience on customs law. He supports private clients with classification, valuation and rules of origin determinations and has assisted industry associations in obtaining the review of tariffs and facilitation of trade. He also has expertise of sanctions and export control.

Prior to joining White & Case, Mr. Julien was Counsel with an international law firm in Geneva. Prior to that, he was Legal Counsel with the Egyptian Ministry of Trade and Industry. He represented Egypt in the Doha Development Agenda negotiations and in numerous free trade agreement negotiations. He was also involved in defining the Egyptian trade policy and in the drafting of Egyptian trade remedy regulations. Furthermore, he was responsible for overseeing all trade remedy proceedings conducted by Egypt and coordinating the defence of Egyptian trade interests in foreign proceedings. Previously, Mr. Julien worked for a major European trade law firm in Brussels and Geneva and in the French Mission to the WTO in Geneva.

Mr Julien's expertise is recognized by clients as showing "a great level of commercial awareness and ability to handle all the complexities of the industry" Chambers Global 2024.

Mr. Julien is a regular speaker at conferences on international trade and customs law and he was lecturing on international trade law at the American University in Cairo.

Bars and Courts
Brussels Bar
Master in Public and International Law
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Masters in International Law
Université Panthéon-Sorbonne
Masters in Comparative Law
Université Panthéon-Assas
Université Panthéon-Sorbonne


Speaking Engagements

September 13, Barcelona: Charles Julien (Geneva) spoke at the 37th Annual Fastmarkets International Aluminium Conference 2023 on the " Russian Trade Flows and Global Commercial Strategy".

"Reviewing protectionism and trade policies" at the virtual Middle East Iron and Steel Conference, Fastmarkets, December 16,2020

Trades & Tariffs roundtable, at the virtualInternational Aluminum Conference 2020, September 22, 2020

"Trade remedies and trade-related measures affecting steel products in the context of the COVID-19 crisis", as part of the GPCA Webinar series, June 24, 2020

Amendments to the EU antidumping legislation: towards more protectionism, GPCA Trade Leadership Dialogue, GPCA Annual Conference, Dubai, December 5, 2019

Sanctions, tariffs and legislation - the impact on trade flows and the aluminum supply chain, International Aluminum Conference 2019, Athens, September 24, 2019

FTAAP Capacity Building Workshop on E-commerce Elements in FTAs/RTAs, APEC Committee on Trade and Investment, Seoul, September 17-19, 2019

Options for the legal form of a fisheries subsidies agreement, informal dialogue on fisheries subsidies, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Geneva, May 21,2019

Prohibited and actionable subsidies in the ASCM: Rules and remedies, IISD seminar on fisheries subsidies, Geneva, May 6, 2019

Round Table on Trade and Tariffs, 22nd Middle East Iron and Steel Conference, Dubai, December 10-12, 2018

Anti-dumping and Harmful Practices in International Trade, 13th Arab Steel Summit, Amman, November 5, 2018

What relationship between a fisheries subsidies agreement and the ASCM?, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) seminar on fisheries subsidies, Geneva, October 28, 2018

The trade toolbox: the use of trade remedies and tariffs to ensure a fair-level playing field in the GCC, 21st Middle East Iron and Steel Conference, Dubai, December 6, 2017

Spotlight on trade remedies and adoption of specific technical regulations and standards on pre-painted products, 22nd Galvanizing and Coil Coating Conference, Abu Dhabi, September 12-13, 2017

Charles The Trade Facilitation Agreement implementation in the GCC", Gulf Petrochemicals & Chemicals Association (GPCA) Supply Chain Conference, Abu Dhabi, May 4, 2017

North Africa Iron & Steel Conference, Cairo, April 16-17, 2017


WTO Domestic Regulation and Services Trade: Putting Principles into Practice, World Trade Review 15, no. 4 (October 2016): 711-714

How Are Trade Measures Affecting Chemicals in the COVID-19 Crisis?, GPCA – Industry Insight, June 11, 2020

Awards and Recognition

Legal 500 EMEA, 2024 (Leading Partner)

Chambers Global, Europe, 2024 (Band 3)

Who's Who Legal, Trade & Customs, 2024 (National Leader)