Dr. Carsten Schreiner

Associate, Frankfurt



Carsten Schreiner is a Certified Tax Advisor and an Associate in the tax group at the Firm's Frankfurt office. He advises clients on all tax matters regarding national/cross-border M&A, private equity and real estate transactions. In addition, he works on all types of tax disputes. He studied law at the University of Bayreuth. Prior to joining White & Case, Carsten Schreiner worked at other leading international law firms as a research assistant and trainee lawyer.

Bars and Courts
Certified Tax Advisor
Second State Exam
Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main
Dr iur
University of Bayreuth
First State Exam
University of Bayreuth


ABN AMRO, 2024
Advised ABN AMRO Bank N.V. (ABN AMRO) on its acquisition of Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank AG (Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe) from Fosun International Limited, which is subject to regulatory approvals.

Battery Ventures, 2024
Advised the international private equity investor Battery Ventures (Battery) on the acquisition of steute Technologies GmbH & Co. KG (steute), a developer and manufacturer of switches, sensors and other products for medical and industrial applications.

Tier on sale of nextbike to Star Capital, 2024
Advised Tier Mobility on the sale of nextbike to Star Capital. The sale was preceded by a spin-off of nextbike that was driven by differences in business and operating models.


Schreiner, Carsten: The license barrier pursuant to Sec. 4j German Income Tax Act as a countermeasure for legal arrangements with IP-Boxes (Die Lizenzschranke gem. § 4j EStG als nationale Gegenmaßnahme für Steuergestaltungen mit Lizenzboxen), Dissertation, Berlin, 2020

Co-author, "News on cum/cum transactions, structured securities lending and beneficial ownership of securities? The ruling of the fiscal court of Hesse dated 28.1.2020 – 4 K 890/17, EFG 2020, 1160 (Neues zu Cum/Cum-Geschäften, strukturierte Wertpapierleihe und wirtschaftliches Eigentum an Wertpapieren? Das Urteil des FG Hessen v. 28.1.2020 – 4 K 890/17, EFG 2020, 1160)", FR, Pages 908-914, 2020 (with Steffen C. Hörner)