Bachir Sayegh

Counsel, Paris



Bachir Sayegh is Counsel in the International Arbitration Practice in Paris.

He has represented corporations, state entities and States in both investment treaty and commercial arbitrations under various rules including the ICC, UNCITRAL and ICSID arbitration rules.

Bachir's practice covers a wide array of sectors with a particular focus on construction, infrastructure & financing, oil & gas, energy, transportation & logistics, and telecom.

He has extensive experience of disputes in Europe, Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East.

In addition to his experience representing clients in disputes, Bachir gives guidance to clients on issues that arise on ongoing projects, transactions and business dealings and on the preparation of their pre-dispute strategy.

As part of his advisory practice, Bachir likewise assists States in the drafting and negotiation of their investment protection and encouragement frameworks.

He teaches a course on Arbitrating with States to master students of Université Panthéon-Assas in Paris.

Bars and Courts
Beirut Bar
Master 2
Private International Law & International Commercial Law
Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris II
Maîtrise, Private Law
Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth


Bachir's recent experience includes:

Representing the claimants in ENGIE and others v. Hungary, an ICSID arbitration under the Energy Charter Treaty and the France-Hungary BIT relating to the regulation of gas tariffs;

Representing the respondent in PCCW Cascade (Middle East) v. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, an ICSID arbitration relating to an investment allegedly made in the telecommunications sector;

Representing the claimant in B3 Croatian Courier Coöperatief UA v. Republic of Croatia, an ICSID arbitration relating to the regulation of an investment made in the Croatian logistics sector;

Representing the claimant in an UNCITRAL investment treaty arbitration relating to a Caribbean State's regulation of the downstream petroleum market;

Representing the claimant in an ICC investment treaty arbitration relating to the treatment by a Balkan State of an investment made in the petroleum distribution sector;

Representing Georgia in parallel ICC and ICSID arbitrations brought in connection with a dispute arising out of the termination of an investment agreement to build and operate a major deep-sea port;

Representing a major Dutch investment conglomerate in an ICC dispute involving the multi-billion-euro acquisition of a major European retailer;

Representing a major manufacturer of complex composite materials in an ICC arbitration involving the construction of a manufacturing plant in France;

Representing a European bank and its insurer in an ICC arbitration arising out of unpaid amounts under an export credit facility agreement for the purchase of industrial equipment in Ukraine;

Representing a South-East Asian investor in an ICC arbitration regarding the construction and operation of a major desalination plant project in North Africa;

Representing a Japanese consortium in an ICC arbitration involving the construction of a major highway in North Africa;

Representing a European construction company in an ICC arbitration regarding the construction of a major hydroelectric project in Chile;

Advising a Middle Eastern State on the drafting and negotiations of its investment protection framework;

Advising a Middle Eastern telecom company in relation to investment treaty claims relating to the treatment of its investment by a Middle Eastern State;

Advising a series of Turkish contractors in relation to contractual claims arising from construction projects in Libya;

Advising a Lebanese construction company in relation to contractual and investment treaty claims arising out of breaches of an investment agreement for the maintenance and operation of a power plant in the Middle-East;

Advising a European contractor in local litigations and claim procedures arising out of the construction of energy production facilities in Algeria; and

Advising a Middle Eastern group of companies in relation to the wrongful termination of its distribution and agency rights in the Middle East.