White & Case Advises Trojan Lithograph Corporation on Incremental Credit Facilities
1 min read
Global law firm White & Case LLP has advised Trojan Lithograph Corporation, a portfolio company of Mill Rock Capital, on an amendment to its existing credit facilities to provide additional incremental term loans and revolving commitments in connection with Mill Rock Packaging Partners LLC's acquisition of All Packaging Company, LLC.
Mill Rock Packaging Partners is a specialty packaging growth platform and a portfolio company of Mill Rock Capital. Upon completion of the acquisition, All Packaging will become a sister company of Trojan Lithograph Corporation, which was acquired by Mill Rock Packaging in August 2020.
The White & Case Debt Finance team was led by partner Sherri Snelson, and included associates Anne-Karine Dabo, Yoonie Han and Chun Teng (all in New York).
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