In Law360 Expert Analysis, White & Case's Senior CFIUS and Team Telecom National Security Advisor David Jividen examines how policymakers can preserve global trade in an era when national security relies on artificial intelligence and other critical emerging technologies.
Jividen notes that international trade characterized by open cross-border flows of goods, services, capital, people and data has declined in recent years, due in part to "the stunning pace of technological advancement, the growth of regional trading blocs and the domestic turbulence created by trade globalization."
He says that "global trade could experience a resurgence" if these factors are addressed "while forging new security-sensitive investment regimes."
Through "outside-the-box initiatives" such as "enforcing penalties against members of the Wassenaar Arrangement that continue to export controlled items" or "building on the US Department of Defense efforts to establish 'domestic munition campuses' for sensitive technological segments," Jividen argues that we "can sow the seeds of renewed and revitalized international trade within the new national security paradigm."
"Policymakers," he suggests, "instead of viewing regional and bilateral trade agreements as detracting from the promise of multilateral trade, should recognize them as a foundation for multilateral free trade regimes in a new security-conscious paradigm."
"By building upon treaties incorporating nations' national security concerns, global trade can be reinvigorated and expanded," he says.
See the full Law360 article here.
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