Find, Fix and Track Entity, FERC Docket No. RC12-1 (October 31, 2011)
Reliability Standard: IRO-004-1
Requirement: R4
Region: SERC
Issue: FFT Entity self-reported that it did not provide its Reliability Coordinator the information required by this Reliability Standard for seven months.
Finding: SERC found that the issue constituted a minimal risk to BPS reliability. The relevant generator is dedicated to serving FFT Entity’s native load (and therefore is not an available resource to the Reliability Coordinator) and FFT Entity has no operating reserves or interchange transactions. In addition, FFT Entity is primarily a cogeneration operation that does not have any critical facilities and its gross and net load rolling forecasts are continuously provided to its LSE’s emergency management organization.
Find, Fix and Track Entity, FERC Docket No. RC12-1 (October 31, 2011)
Reliability Standard: IRO-004-1
Requirement: R4
Region: TRE
Issue: FFT Entity self-reported that, in one instance, it did not submit a day-ahead resource plan for the next operating day for its share of a facility by the established deadline.
Finding: TRE found that the issue constituted only a minimal risk to BPS reliability since this issue represented a single occurrence. The issue was mitigated in real-time since once the lack of submission was discovered, FFT Entity immediately submitted its resource plan and ERCOT ISO manually entered FFT Entity’s day-ahead information in order to conduct the stability limit calculations.
Nelson Industrial Steam Company (NISCO), Docket No. RC12-12 (May 30, 2012)
Reliability Standard: IRO-004-1
Requirement: R4
Region: SERC
Issue: NISCO submitted a self-report disclosing that, as a GO, it was not providing required information for system studies as set forth in the Standard. NISCO assumed that Entergy personnel, who were responsible for operation of the NISCO’s generation units, were reporting all required information to the TOP, but subsequently found that daily forecasted generation information was not being submitted to the TOP as believed. The TOP instructed NISCO on how to submit the required information and began receiving the data on May 7, 2011.
Finding: The issue was found to pose minimal risk to BPS reliability because even though daily forecasted generation information was not submitted as required to the appropriate parties, the TOP was aware of outage information. And, NISCO has limited ability to affect the Balancing Authority’s area because of its small size.