Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County (CHPD), Docket No. RC12-16 (September 28, 2012)
Reliability Standard: INT-009-1
Requirement: 1
Region: WECC
Issue: CHPD, as a BA, self-reported that on 17 occasions it failed to implement a Confirmed Interchange as received from the Interchange Authority (per R1). WECC found that 15 of the Confirmed Interchanges were implemented within the hour, rather than as received, while the remaining two Confirmed Interchanges were implemented at the end of the hour, rather than as received. Additionally, CHPD disclosed that there were additional instances of possible noncompliance, and WECC concluded one additional violation occurred, raising the number of violations to 18.
Finding: WECC found the issue posed a minimal risk to the reliability of the BPS because the 18 infractions represent less than 1 percent of the total Confirmed Interchanges implemented by CHPD every year (8,000). Moreover, CHPD quickly detected and implemented the Confirmed Interchanges, thereby mitigating the possibility of system imbalances or voltage overloads.