Unidentified Registered Entity ("URE"), FERC Docket No. RC13-3-000 (December 31, 2012)
Reliability Standard: CIP-006-3
Requirement: 1; 1.6
Region: SPP
Issue: SPP conducted a Compliance Audit of URE during which it found that URE was in violation of R1.6 of CIP-006-3. URE failed to record the time of exit for one visitor in the manual visitor log for the Physical Security Perimeter (PSP) at its central control center.
Finding: SPP found that the issue posed a minimal risk to the reliability of the bulk power system since the violation was an isolated incident. SPP determined that URE had adequate processes for logging access information that identifies persons without authorization for unescorted access as well as the dates and the times of access for those persons. SPP found URE's physical access program adequately strong enough to protect its PSPs.