4397 results
Facing headwinds
Change is in the air
Respondents see COVID-related disruptions, economic contraction and geopolitical instability as the top challenges for the aviation sector in the coming year. But growth is expected, notably in Asia-Pacific and Australasia
Facing headwinds
Liquidity and refinancing
Capital and liquidity remain a primary preoccupation for the aviation sector
Facing headwinds
Funding sources
Our survey shows that a majority of respondents expect funding to increase in 2022—and from a wide range of sources
Facing headwinds
Overall investment outlook for global aviation finance
Aviation sector executives expect to maintain or increase investment in 2022, despite continuing headwinds caused by COVID-19 and concerns about the global economy
CLO activity skyrockets in the US
Financial stimulus and sustained investor appetite for yield have seen US CLO issuance scale record heights  
Loan activity drives US leveraged finance to new heights while high yield bond issuance maintains lofty pace
Large double-digit gains in US loan issuance meant leveraged finance markets ended 2021 with a bang and set the stage for robust activity in 2022  
Egypt M&A posts impressive rebound in 2021
Interest in high-growth industries such as TMT and financial services resulted in a string of deals—from both local and international bidders.  
Islamic finance closes in on LIBOR transition
Islamic finance providers have been slow to make the transition away from LIBOR, as the replacement benchmark rates pose challenges in the context of Sharia compliance
Stock board
Buy-and-build boom sees add-on debt surge
Issuers are tapping institutional loan markets for add-on debt at a rapid pace as private equity firms turn to buy-and-build strategies to lower entry multiples and accelerate deployment  
President Biden Extends Safeguard Measure on Solar Products for Four Years, Doubles Tariff-Rate Quota for Solar Cells
US flags
FDI on the radar screen
Governments around the world are tightening their scrutiny of foreign direct investments  
Getting The Deal Through - Foreign Investment Review 2022
London at sunset
UK Pensions Regulator's new criminal powers are a wake-up call to companies planning corporate transactions
The UK Pensions Regulator is gaining stronger powers, which will have a significant impact on companies undertaking activities such as M&A, secured borrowing, and restructuring. Following best practice and thinking ahead have become more important than ever.
The Complementary Roles of the European Public Prosecutor's Office and the European Anti-Fraud Office
Life Sciences and Healthcare
M&A drives issuance in busy healthcare space
Following a year of healthy activity, M&A deals in the pipeline are set to sustain leveraged finance issuance in the pharmaceutical, medical and biotech sector in the months ahead.
China Issued New Measures for Cybersecurity Review in 2022
Constructive acceleration successfully claimed
Lexology GTDT Technology Disputes 2022 - Germany
German Federal Constitutional Court Refuses to Hear Climate Activists’ Complaints
UK Government publishes illustrative guidance on the future operation of its subsidy control regime
ATAD III: Is the tide turning on shell companies?
Mining & metals 2022: ESG and energy transition – the sector's biggest opportunity
Against a backdrop of record commodity prices and the pressure for miners to boost their ESG credentials, the sector is seeking to position itself as a trusted partner in fighting climate change.
Two-Pillar Solution to Address the Tax Challenges Arising from the Digitalisation of the Economy: 15% Minimum Tax for Multinationals
Time to Revisit Insider Trading Policies: The SEC’s Expansion of Insider Trading Enforcement to “Shadow Trading” Survives Motion to Dismiss
Italy Transposes the ECN+ Directive: Significant New Powers for the Italian Competition Authority
The "Sun Beneath our Feet" – Geothermal power development in Asia Pacific
Climate change disputes: The rise of rights-based claims
The greening of hydrocarbons
Key Considerations for the 2022 Annual Reporting Season: Form 20-F and Other FPI-Specific Considerations
COVID-19 – Guidance for International Employers
Record breaker: US M&A 2021
Record breaker: US M&A 2021
US M&A had an extraordinary year in 2021, with total deal value reaching US$2.6 trillion—surpassing US$2 trillion for the first time
sunset view
European leveraged finance: From survive to thrive
European leveraged finance markets rebounded in the past 12 months, driven  by enthusiastic refinancing activity and a resurgent M&A marketplace, setting the  stage for a healthy year ahead
Record breaker: US M&A 2021
What's in store for 2022?
Five factors that will shape dealmaking over the coming 12 months
Record breaker: US M&A 2021
Notable decisions from Delaware courts
In the second half of 2021, Delaware courts issued several decisions affecting M&A dealmaking
Record breaker: US M&A 2021
Good security practices for data and networks are essential to M&A success
With data privacy laws tightening and cyberattacks on the rise, due diligence of technology networks and data processes should be a top priority for dealmakers
Record breaker: US M&A 2021
Financing likely to continue largely as is, despite inflationary worries
Borrower-friendly terms over the past few years have helped boost M&A totals—and a number of factors suggest the financing will not change dramatically in 2022
Record breaker: US M&A 2021
SEC enforcement ramps up
Dealmakers should be braced for a more aggressive stance under Chair Gary Gensler
Record breaker: US M&A 2021
Antitrust: Extended timelines and broader scope
The Federal Trade Commission is taking an increasingly stringent approach to antitrust investigations
Record breaker: US M&A 2021
Cross-border deals face increased CFIUS scrutiny
Increased sector scope and concerns around a more aggressive approach to identifying non-notified transactions is leading to rising numbers of filings
Record breaker: US M&A 2021
Real estate deals come back to life
After dropping in 2020, real estate M&A ramped up significantly in 2021